2018 Canadian Rental Housing Index shows renters in a crisis level of spending

  10 May 2018

CHF BC is proud to be a partner in developing the 2018 Canadian Rental Housing Index, created by our partners in Housing Central, the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA).

Statistics Canada data shows rental housing costs are outpacing incomes and pushing renters into a crisis level of spending.

The Index shows that close to half of Canadian renter households are spending more than the recommended 30 per cent of their income on housing, while nearly one in five are spending more than 50 per cent of their income on housing costs, putting a growing number of families and individual renters in a crisis level of spending and at risk of homelessness.

It’s a province-wide problem, not just a Vancouver problem,” said CHF BC’s executive director Thom Armstrong. “It should be deeply disturbing to anyone who follows the rental housing market.”

You can view the story on Global News.

Or read the complete news release from BCNPHA.