Here is some information on what to expect when participating in the AGM. It also answers some frequently asked questions.
Download a PDF version of this information
The AGM will take place Sunday, November 20, 2022, at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre or online via Zoom (hybrid). Meeting attendees may attend in person or remotely.
Sign-in for in-person attendees starts at 9:00 a.m., with lunch starting at 12:00 p.m.
Online participants can start joining at 9:00 a.m. Here is the Zoom link for those attending online:
Meeting ID: 846 8093 2792 Passcode: 631415
Download instructions for joining online (PDF)
The CHF BC hybrid AGM features a combination of in-person attendees, with live broadcasting for those attending the meeting remotely.
The business of an annual general meeting is of special significance in co-operatives. Members have identified that barriers such as travel, access to childcare and mobility issues can impede their ability to attend in person. We are offering an option to attend remotely so that members who are not able to attend in person can participate, learn about new developments in the housing co‑op sector and can exercise their democratic rights such as voting for amendments to the Rules and electing the board.
Delegates: Each co-op may appoint one delegate who will vote during the elections/resolutions at the AGM. The co-op must be a CHF BC member.
Alternates: Each co-op may appoint one alternate delegate in case the delegate can not attend for any reason. The co-op must be a CHF BC member.
Observers: Individuals from co-ops who are neither a delegate or alternate. The co-op must be a CHF BC member.
Guests: Individuals from non-member organizations.
If your co-op will be paying for your registration, we require the name and title of the board person who has confirmed the co-op will be paying for your registration fee.
They are no COVID restrictions in place, but hand sanitizers will be placed on tables and in common areas as a precaution.
If you don’t feel well, consider the health and safety of other co-op housing members and please stay home and attend online instead.
If you are showing any potential symptoms of COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with anyone that has tested positive for COVID-19 within 5 days of the event then we request that you do not attend in-person and switch to attending online or you can send another delegate from your co-op in your place.
Yes, we encourage you to do so and chat with members who are attending remotely. The meeting ID and passcode is provided to you at the registration desk. WIFI Internet access will also be provided to facilitate this. To ensure there is no echoing or background noise, we ask that you stay muted at all times and turn the volume on your device off/all the way down so the mics in the room do not pick up any sound.
If you are the delegate for your co-op, you can vote during the meeting.
For in-person delegates, you will be given a voting card upon sign-in at the registration desk. You can raise your voting card to move or second a motion during the meeting.
For online delegates, you will be renamed in Zoom to indicate you are a voting delegate. You can raise your Zoom hand to move or second a motion during the meeting.
In an event of an election, there will be a speed networking event for online and in-person attendees to get to know the candidates.
For in-person delegates, you will be given a ballot and during the meeting, you will be advised on how to cast your vote.
For online delegates, step-by-step instructions will be given prior to the start of the meeting and again before the election begins.
Candidates running from the board may be online or in person. Delegates will have the opportunity to meet candidates attending on both platforms.
The names and photos of the candidates are included in the delegate handbook.
For online delegates, the candidates will have a special ‘candidate’ background. They will also introduce themselves through Zoom chat.
For in-person delegates, the candidates will be wearing a pin labelled “candidate”.
For in-person attendees, you can raise your hand or voting card. There are microphones on your tables. Please speak into them so that online attendees can hear you.
For online attendees, you can enter your questions/comments in the Chat box and one of our staff will respond or read it into the meeting. You can also raise your Zoom hand and staff can unmute you so you can speak into the meeting.
Registrations may be transferred to another member in your co-op housing and requests for transfers of registration fees must be made in writing to email:
A member of our team will be present online or in person at the venue. Please address your concerns with them during the event or you may contact 1-877-384-9444 or
To help us improve our planning and quality of our meetings, we will ask for your feedback via SurveyMonkey. The survey link will also be emailed to all attendees after the meeting.