2024 Island Education Day Workshops

CHF BC believes in the power of belonging—we want to create community and inclusivity in everything we do. Our partnerships, advocacy work, programs, services, and decision-making processes are all geared towards fostering a sense of belonging among our members and their communities.

Our 2024 Island Education Day workshops cover a diverse range of topics. Each one is led by experts in their respective fields. They will all provide valuable insights and knowledge to participants.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Morning Workshop

Fireside chat: S.T.O.P.!


STOP! Join us for this fireside chat addressing hot topics: S-ublets, T-enants, O-verhousing and P-olicies. With our panel of legal experts, get the answers on the questions your housing co-operative has on these topics.

Should your co-op STOP or move ahead? Before making your next decision, make sure you stop and join this chat.

Workshop Facilitators: Grant Haddock & Robert Milne.

Workshop Moderator: Lindsey Murphy.





Afternoon Workshop


Human Rights in Co-ops


British Columbia’s Human Rights Code helps make sure everyone can participate equally in daily life in our province. The Code protects individuals from harmful treatment called discrimination.

This workshop covers the basics of human rights. It includes what your housing co-operative can do to avoid discriminating and how how human rights disputes are addressed. Through case studies, you will learn how  the Human Rights Code affects the good governance and proper management of housing co-ops.

Workshop Facilitator: Pamphinette Buisa.