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Pamphinette Buisa

Pamphinette Buisa is the Managing Advocate at Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition (VIHRC) helping to uphold and promote human rights.

Pamphinette applies intersectional and decolonial approaches to her work, promoting restorative justice and community healing.  She has a background as a consultant and community organizer, working extensively with disenfranchised communities, including but not limited to people who are incarcerated, sex workers, unhoused individuals, youth, 2SLGBTQ+ communities, BIPOC communities, and people who use substances.

Pamphinette holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and social justice, as well as a diploma in social science with math.  She has several years of experience in educating and facilitating educational workshops and sessions for various demographics.

Pamphinette will be the facilitator for Human Rights in Co-ops at the 2024 Island Education Day.