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Consultants and Facilitators

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Cheryl Alsop has been working as a maintenance coordinator in the housing co-op sector for the past ten years. During this time she has done everything from managing routine repairs to coordinating large retrofit projects and everything in between. Her current role as Senior Maintenance Coordinator for a housing co-op management company involves training and coaching staff in maintenance coordination. Cheryl’s area of expertise is maintenance workshops.
Doreen Aquino has been involved in the co-op housing sector since 1994 when she moved into Dundee Court Housing Co-op where she served on many co-op committees and on the board of directors. She got involved as a delegate to CHF BC and CHF Canada serving on the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) board and CHF Canada's Federations Committee. Doreen worked for a co-op management company for seven years as a co-ordinator and as a consultant. She has been a CHF BC Education Program consultant since 2008 and has expertise in a broad spectrum of workshop topics, as well as being a trained facilitator for the Co-op Compass initiative.
Larry Birckhead, M.A. (Psychology) has a background in community mental health and behaviour change, and his area of expertise is in organizational development and training. In addition to his experience on the board of directors, maintenance committee, and membership committee at his own co-op, Marine Court, he has applied his organization development capacities to Co-operative Housing Federation of BC’s (CHF BC’s) Education Program since 2008 offering a range of workshops, as well as expertise in board coaching and trouble-shooting.
Wes Hosler has been involved in the co-op housing sector since 1974 and is a founding member of Carpathia Housing Co-op in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wes has served as both treasurer and president of CHF Canada as well as president of Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC). Wes became a member of Lore Krill Housing Co-operative in 2002 and served as president of the board. Wes was a registered nurse by profession, a nurse educator, and retired from nursing in 2004. Wes became a CHF BC Education Program consultant in 2003 and has facilitated workshops on a range of topics as well as offered chairing services.
David Lach is a founding member of Quebec Manor Housing Co-operative, where he still lives. He has served as director, treasurer and president of the co-op. He served as president of CHF BC it its early days and in 2012 he was again elected to the board, where he continues to serve as a director. In addition to his involvement with housing co-ops, David serves or has served on other co-op boards, including Modo (the car-sharing co-op), Co-operators Group Limited (insurance) and the BC Co-operative Association. David has been a consultant for the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) Education Program for over ten years and mostly offers chairing services and advice. David has particular expertise with Model Rules 2.0 for housing co-ops and with the British Columbia Co-operative Association Act.
Terra has more than 25 years of experience working in the co-operative sector. She has resided in two different housing co-ops starting in 1985. Terra worked with a housing co-op management company where her principal responsibilities included client and employee recruitment, maintaining client loyalty and the day-to-day supervision of close to 50 on-site and off-site property managers. Terra is known for her in-depth knowledge of the housing co-op sector and her area of expertise is in privacy legislation (PIPA).
Pat McClain was Program Manager, Member Relations for the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada from 1995 to 2009. She currently sits on the board of CHF Canada and chairs the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) Aging in Place Committee. Pat has been a member of Paloma Housing Co-op since 1985. Pat has facilitated workshops in the wider non-profit housing sector in addition to her work with housing co-ops. Pat has been a consultant for the CHF BC Education Program since 1988 and her area of expertise is community-building workshops with a current interest in the topic of aging in co-op communities. Pat is also a trained Co-op Compass facilitator and has assisted many co-ops through that process.
Sue Moorhead has worked with housing co-ops and federations for over 30 years. From 1997 to 2014, Sue was CHF BC's Education Program Director. An active member in her own housing co-op, she has served in various board and committee positions. Her sector board experience includes Rooftops Canada, the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and related organizations in Quebec. Sue also has five years of international experience, having worked as a technical advisor for Rooftops Canada in Africa. With a thorough knowledge of co-op governance and management, Sue can facilitate workshops on a variety of topics, facilitate the Co-op Compass process, chair co-op meetings, provide advice, and offer expertise on policy development, co-op rules and the Co-op Act.
Kerry Panter’s work in the housing co-operative sector spans twenty-five years. Currently, Kerry works for Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) as Member Services Director in the federation's Vancouver Island office. Kerry often assists with the development of CHF BC governance materials and as a consultant for the CHF BC Education Program. Kerry facilitates governance workshops, chairs meetings and provides consultation and conflict resolution to co-ops experiencing difficulties.
Andrew Sitko has been an active member of three housing co-ops over a 15 year period, and has served on finance committees and as the treasurer of the board. He has worked for a housing co-op management company since 1995, holding positions as Office Coordinator, Accounting Coordinator, and Training Coordinator in addition to his current position as Senior Accounting Coordinator.  Andrew’s expertise is in financial management and corporate management of housing co-ops.
Chris Whyte is a registered social worker with a Masters’ Degree in Conflict Management and Analysis and lives in False Creek Housing Co-op. Chris has been a Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) Education Program consultant since 2007 and focuses on mediation and conflict resolution services. He has assisted co-ops resolve participation, parking and pet policy challenges, and has facilitated difficult conversations among members, boards and committees. Chris also has expertise in the topic of mental health in co-op communities.