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For many people. learning about reconciliation and decolonization can be a difficult and personal process. It can often be difficult to know where to start.

While we are all in different places in our journeys a good place to start—or check in with yourself—is by reading, watching, and learning.

There have been several resources produced in recent years on this topic. Here are some to get you started.

Truth and Reconciliation



Territorial Acknowledgements


CMHA BC (@CMHABC) / Twitter


CHF Canada Resources

Read (Books)


Read (Articles)



OCR Description: Three Podcasts About ."Residential Schools" is a three part series .hosted by Shaneen Robinson-Desjarlais, .Residential School .honouring stories of First Nations, Inuit, and .Métis survivors of the Residential School .Survivors .system. Find it on SPOTIFY. .2 ."Kuper Island" is an eight-part series hosted by .Duncan McCue. It tells stories of four .Residential School students: Three who .survived, and one who didn't. .Find it on CBC LISTEN. .#RememberHonourAct ."Still Here Healing" is a podcast sharing stories .from survivors of Residential Schools, and .teaching key impacts of colonization. .Find it on APPLE PODCASTS. .




Other Resources


This list is not exhaustive. We will also continue to add to it as we become aware of more resources. If you have any suggestions of additional resources, please let us know at