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Take Action

Even small changes can have a big impact in the long run!

You can also take action to become more environmentally sustainable. Here are some activities and resources to get you started.

  • Join a shoreline or other clean up activity with an organization in your area
  • Help raise awareness (about repairability, the circular economy, recycling, composting, etc.)
  • Look for ways to reduce energy use and conserve water
  • Organize a planting of trees, shrubs, native plants, or wildflowers that can help support the local ecosystem
  • Host your own screening of an environmental film or documentary
  • Try to opt for reusable tableware and containers where possible
  • Get involved as a volunteer with a local environmental organization
  • Start a garden or agriculture project at your co-op
  • Buy / shop smart – consider a more sustainable option, something that can be more easily repaired, a longer lasting or better quality item, etc.
  • Learn more about environmentalism, with a focus on decolonization, inclusion, and justice