CHF BC is the central voice for housing co-operatives in BC. We represent and advocates for over 260 housing co-operatives in British Columbia. This including over 30,000 co-op members living in almost 15,000 co-op homes in 32 municipalities across the province.

CHF BC is the advocacy and government relations voice for B.C.'s housing co-ops


All our advocacy work is guided by our vision to grow an inclusive community of sustainable and permanently affordable co-operative housing in B.C.

We—along with our partners at the Community Land Trust, Housing Central and CHF Canada—work with federal, provincial and municipal governments to support existing co-ops, and to develop more co-op housing, so we can continue to lead the way in creating inclusive, accessible and sustainable communities. There is significant unmet demand for affordable and co-operative housing B.C., and we want more people to experience the security, vibrancy and resiliency of living in a housing co-operative.

Housing Central

Housing Central is a strategic alliance between the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA), Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC), and the Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) .

Our mission is to strengthen and grow the community housing sector so all British Columbians have a safe, secure home they can afford.

Federal Advocacy

We support our partners at CHF Canada in their advocacy with the federal government.

Municipal Advocacy

We with various municipal governments across the province to support existing co-ops and the development of new co-operative homes. This advocacy work includes: