CHF BC’s 30th AGM on Saturday, December 1 saw a full house of delegates and observers to celebrate its 30th anniversary with cake and balloons. The meeting also featured a hotly contested election for five seats on the board and one seat on the finance committee.Re-elected for a two-year term were: Dianne Brubaker (Creekside), Lisa Berting (Misty Ridge), and Isabel Evans (Granville Gardens). Yuri Artibise (Athletes Village) and David Lach (Quebec Manor) join the board as newly elected directors.Ferhan Kassam (Garry Point) was elected for another term on the Finance Committee.Delegates also amended the Federation’s rules by adopting two special resolutions.A third resolution (from Common Ground Housing Co-op) was adopted directing CHF BC to investigate the financial implications of merging housing co-ops by examining various models from sharing contractors to complete legal mergers.Stay tuned for more details on an AGM full of excitement. Photos (below):1. CHF BC’s new board:front row (L to R): Manon Bertrand (secretary), Isabel Evans (president), Alana Van Dam.middle row (L to R): Dianne Brubaker, Jane MacDermot, Yuri Artibise, Amanda Skillinback row (L to R): Phil Brown, Fred Silvergieter (vice-president), David Lach, Lisa Berting (treasurer)2. CHF BC 2011-12 board with 30th anniversary cake3. Candidates for board vacancies4. Candidates take questions.5. Delegate asks questions.6. Another delegate asks questions.5. Delegates vote for (or against) resolutions.