A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  21 December 2021   

National Indigenous Housing Strategy Update

At our 2021 Semi-Annual General Meeting in May, delegates passed a resolution (pdf) in support of a national Urban Indigenous Housing Strategy Our friends at the Canadian Housing & Renewal Association (CHRA) and the CHRA Indigenous Caucus have continued to work towards a federal urban, rural and northern (URN) Indigenous housing strategy. Over the past … Continued

  16 December 2021   

Winter Weather Reminder

As winter arrives, and the possibility of snow increases, we would like to remind our member housing co-ops to keep their garbage and recycling area clear of snow and ice.

  14 December 2021   

115 Place Housing Co-op needs your help

The co-op’s lease is ending, and the union pension fund has decided to sell the land and buildings to the highest bidder. The inevitable outcome of a sale like that will be drastic rent increases and economic eviction for many of the co-op’s 244 households.

  14 December 2021   

New Model Sustainability Policy

Co-op decisions impact the environment and are impacted by the environment. Does your co-op have an overall direction on how to sustainably approach its operations and long-term planning? Consider adopting a sustainability policy! Sustainability can touch on almost all aspects of a co-op’s operations. More than with most policies, a sustainability policy sets out how … Continued

  13 December 2021   

Happy Holidays from CHF BC

We would like to thank our members and the supporters of co-operative housing for contributing to the success of the entire CHF BC group of social enterprises in 2021. Our offices will be closed starting December 20. We will be back on January 4 ready for an exciting new year.

  9 December 2021   

Burnaby’s bold new strategy to tackle housing and homelessness

Earlier this week, Burnaby City Council took an ambitious step in approving an ambitious 10-year housing strategy that addresses everything from housing affordability and housing stock to those without homes altogether.

  9 December 2021   

2021: Our Year in Review

As 2021 comes to a close, the CHF BC Group of Social Enterprises would like to take a moment to look back on the year that was. We spent a full year in a pandemic, and we continue to be reminded of how much we can achieve if we do it together. Some of these … Continued

  6 December 2021   

Diana Day, 2021 CHF BC AGM Keynote Speaker

Diana Day was invited to speak to our 2021 AGM about what truth, reconciliation, and decolonization might look like in our community of housing co-ops. Diana is a First Nations woman from the Oneida Nation, a member of the Wolf Clan, and has lived in Vancouver since the early 80’s, and is a member of … Continued

  4 December 2021   

Housing co-ops safe after Abbotsford flood

CHF BC is relieved to know that the housing co-ops in the Abbotsford area are undamaged after recent flooding.  Our staff has reached out to co-ops in this worst-hit region and was informed that the local co-ops are all on high ground. If your co-op was affected by the floods and you need advice, including … Continued

  3 December 2021   

CHF BC welcomes new staff to our team

CHF BC would like to announce two recent additions to our staff team: Saurabh Parnami and Yuri Artibise. We looking forward to working with them as they contribute to our work in representing and serving our members. Saurabh Parnami – Asset Management Program Analyst Saurabh is an outcome-driven professional with both creative and analytical capabilities. … Continued

  30 November 2021   

December Movie Night – Into the Light

To coincide with the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, CHF BC is screening the feature-length documentary Into the Light by Gentille M. Assih. Please join us on Thursday, December 16, 2021 to watch this inspiring film about women of African descent regaining power over their lives after experiencing domestic violence. … Continued

  27 November 2021   

CHF BC’s second virtual AGM was a success

CHF BC held its 39th annual AGM on November 21, 2021. The two-hour meeting attracted over 100 participants, including 55 delegates, to our virtual platform. President Suzann Zimmering presented the board report reviewing the achievements of CHF BC’s group of social enterprises over the past year. During her remarks, Suzann outlined three strategic priorities for … Continued