Empower Co-op Members with BC Rebates for Accessible Home Adaptations

  27 May 2024

The BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA) offers financial assistance to eligible low- and moderate-income households to make needed home adaptations, enabling residents to live independently longer in their homes.

Co-op eligibility has been a little ambiguous in the past, but we are happy to report some good news.

Members who meet the program criteria and income requirements that belong to a co-op with an FCHI-2 agreement may be eligible for rebates for adaptations through the BC RAHA program. We have heard of members having successful applications for bathroom grab bars and stairlifts to date.

If you know of any co-op members who could benefit from home improvements for accessibility, please reach out to us for more information or visit BC Housing’s RAHA webpage. Available rebates varies, depending on demand and types of adaptations requested. Your co-op will need to complete documents to support your application. For members needing unit adaptations, this may be a funding option worth exploring.

What is BC RAHA?

The BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA) is a rebate program. Eligible low- and moderate-income households can receive up to $20,000 in rebates to complete home adaptations. The program allows seniors and people with permanent disabilities or diminished ability to gain greater independence within their homes.  Adaptations need to directly address the permanent disability or loss of ability of the homeowner, tenant or household member. Some home adaptations need an assessment from either an Occupational Therapist (OT) or a Physical Therapist (PT).

RAHA accepts applications on a first-come, first-served basis with priority to complete applications. Application intake is ongoing unless the annual program funding is exhausted. If annual funding is exhausted, application intake will close until April 1 which is when annual funding is renewed each year.

Approved assistance will be a rebate. Once your application is approved, you will have 180 days to complete the work from the date of written approval.

Find out how much help you could get. Get an estimate: BC RAHA Calculator