A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  10 July 2015   

City of Vancouver Lease Agreements – First Conversations with Co-ops

For the last week of June, CHF BC arranged a pair of meetings for some of the 50 housing co-ops holding leases with the City of Vancouver. These meetings were focused on the concerns of co-ops with…

  25 May 2015   

End of operating agreements sparks Island discussion

Housing co-op members packed another Vancouver Island Council meeting on Thursday night, May 21, and they were treated to a panel discussion on life after the end of co-op operating agreements with…

  11 March 2005   

Think “Housing” on November 19!

CHF BC urges members to consider
the need for more co-operative and affordable housing during upcoming municipal elections.

  6 September 2004   

CHRA gives Conservatives a failing grade on housing

The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, reported in its review of party platforms that "the election of a Conservative government would mean longer waiting lists and more homelessness."

  2 January 2003   

Leaky Co-op Campaign gains momentum

From the latest issue of SCOOP – by Louise Elmes, campaign co-ordinator. "My first months on the leaky co-op campaign have been an amazing journey. I have been so impressed with the dedication of the…