A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  26 February 2021   

Reflecting on Black History Month: Our Commitment to Leading Change

As Black History Month draws to a close, we are reflecting on our work of shedding light on historical and modern day “hidden figures” in the Black community in British Columbia and Canada. Why did we feel it was important to celebrate Black History Month? 2020 was undoubtedly a year of reckoning in race relations. We all … Continued

  22 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Alexander Family

Early pioneers Charles and Nancy Alexander moved north from California in 1858. In setting down roots on Vancouver Island became some of the first community builders in the Victoria area.

Their legacy of giving back to and strengthening the Victoria and Saanich communities has earned them a prominent place in BC’s history.

  16 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Joe Fortes

Throughout February the Housing Central partners are celebrating Black History Month. We are sharing stories of prominent individuals who made a positive impact on our communities. In the process, they helped shape this province and blazed a trail for the Black community. The City of Vancouver just wouldn’t be the same without Seraphim Joseph “Joe” Fortes  … Continued

  8 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Rosemary Brown

Rosemary Brown broke through racial barriers and the glass ceiling, making her mark in politics and human rights and leaving behind an inspiring legacy of achievement.

Her work has helped ensure equal rights for women and people of colour, whether it’s in our schools, workplaces or homes.

  1 February 2021   

Anti-Racism Resources

For many people. learning about anti-racism can be a difficult and personal process. It can often be difficult to no where to start. While we are all in different places in our journeys to be anti-racist, a good place to start — or check in with yourself — is by reading, watching, and learning.

There have been several resources produced in recent years on this topic. Here are some to get you started.

  31 January 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Emery Barnes

In our first story we are touching on the football fever surrounding a particular event this weekend and showcasing the outstanding accomplishments of athlete, social worker, politician and community builder Emery Barnes.

Anyone familiar with US college sports, BC’s political history and the beloved Canadian Football league will recognize Barnes’ legacy – memorialized with a prominent Vancouver park named after him in 2003.

  31 January 2021   

Housing Central Celebrates Black History Month

Responding to Systemic Racism In 2020, we saw a global response to systemic racism. This pervasive racism has existed for centuries against Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC). We were horrified at the events as they unfolded. Many organizations showed their support and issued statements in solidarity and support against systemic racism. At Housing … Continued

  14 October 2020   

The 2020 Fall Education Conference kicks off with a plenary panel of Black and Indigenous anti-racism and co-op educators

If you think you know the co-op story, you might be in for a learning curve come October 31st. The Fall Education Conference kicks off with a plenary panel of Black and Indigenous anti-racism and co-op educators to discuss the history of co-ops, the lens of systemic racism through which we interpret that history and how both conscious and unconscious expressions of racism play out in our co-op communities today.

  25 April 2020   

Co-ops in a COVID-19 time: Virtual town hall recap

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first virtual town hall on April 22nd. We hope you enjoyed exploring what housing co-ops need to know during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event attracted more than 180 co-op members, making it the best attended event in CHF BC’s history.

Our focus wasn’t on how to survive. Rather it was how to thrive and do whatever’s necessary to emerge from these challenging times stronger than ever. 

If you weren’t able to join us, you can watch the virtual town hall recording below.  And don’t worry, we’ll be scheduling regular events on line to keep you in the loop.

  31 May 2017   

CHF BC welcomes Seniors Resource Coordinator

CHF BC welcomes our new Seniors Resource Coordinator, ML Burke. ML will lead CHF BC’s newest initiative, Co-op Connections for Independence, a project funded with an Eldercare grant from the BC…

  3 April 2017   

CHF BC recognizes long-time co-operators

When CHF BC opened its doors 35 years ago, housing co-ops were already well established in British Columbia. And some of those original members are still living in their co-op communities today!

On Friday, March 24 CHF BC presented its first Century of Co-operation awards to 18 co-op members whose age plus the years they have lived in a co-op equals at least 100 years. The ceremony was held at the beautiful Westin Wall Centre (Vancouver Airport) in Richmond.

On Friday, March 24 CHF BC presented its first Century of Co-operation awards to 18 co-op members whose age plus the years they have lived in a co-op equals at least 100 years. The ceremony was held at the beautiful Westin Wall Centre (Vancouver Airport) in Richmond.

  13 May 2016   

Scholarships, chocolate and a bright future for CHF BC

CHF BC members came together for a lively Semi-Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 7.We awarded our fifth annual CHF BC Scholarships and enjoyed chocolate keys to celebrate our success in the You Hold…