A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  12 May 2023   

4 Reasons to Attend our Spring Forum on May 28th

There are so many reasons to attend CHF BC’s Spring Forum on Sunday May 28. Here are our top 4!

We are thrilled to provide you with an opportunity to learn, engage and interact with other co-op members. As you know, community building is at the heart of co-ops and we are excited to connect our members from all over BC.

  29 April 2023   

2023 Spring Forum Workshops

A list of 2023 Spring Forum workshops

  17 March 2023   

Let’s Talk Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion with CICan’s Talented Speakers

Colleges and Institutions Canada (CICan), along with its 50 – 30 Challenge Hubs and Knowledge, Mobilisation and Dissemination Centres, have been working hard to bring you an incredible lineup of talented speakers to round out the month of March.

They’ll be discussing topics pertaining to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and offering practical steps that organizations—including housing co-operatives—can take to make positive change in the workplace.

  31 January 2023   

Black History Month 2023

February is Black History Month in Canada. Black History Month is the annual commemoration of the contributions of Black and African diasporic communities in Canada. It recognizes their significant role in our history, even while enduring unending inequality, oppression, and erasure. Each year, Canadians celebrate this month by uncovering parts of our own colonial legacies to better understand our present and future.

At Housing Central, the events of 2020 compelled CHF BC and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) to hold a mirror to ourselves and reflect on our efforts to address racial inequity as a community.

  14 November 2022   

AGM Special Resolution: Financial Oversight and Risk Management

The CHF BC Board of Directors have submitted a special resolution for the consideration and approval by members at our AGM on November 20, 2022.

  10 November 2022   

Meet our AGM keynote speaker from the Hogan’s Alley Society

CHF BC is honoured to have Djaka Blais (she/her) the Executive Director of the Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS) speak at our annual general meeting on November 20, 2022.

  9 November 2022   

2022 AGM Delegate Orientation Video

Whether you are a new delegate for your co-op, or someone who’s been to CHF BC meetings in the past, this video will give an orientation to the federation and show you everything you need to know about our 2022 Annual General Meeting on November 20th.

  27 October 2022   

Everything you need to know about the 2022 AGM

Following the success of our hybrid SAGM earlier this year, and to ensure all our members have access to the meeting, we will open again be offering a hybrid online and in-person event.

  16 October 2022   

Join Us for Co-op Week!

This year, the theme is “Co-operation in the World of Tomorrow.” As the Canadian co-operative movement faced the difficulties of a global pandemic and many other hurdles in the last few years, we, as a community, are looking at how we can build a better future through co-operation.

  5 October 2022   

2022 Century of Co-operation Awards Ceremony

Thank you to everyone who attended CHF BC’s annual Century of Co-operation awards ceremony on September 29, 2022 at the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver. The day was filled with laughter, music and great people! We were overjoyed to be able to bring back the Century of Co-operation Awards Ceremony for our long-time co-operators after our 2-year … Continued

  15 August 2022   

VIDEOS: Looking Back, Moving Forward

At our 2022 Spring Education Conference, we held two plenary sessions looking at the past, and future of the co-op housing sector in BC.

  5 August 2022   

VIDEO: Addressing Overheating in Housing Co-ops

Here is the video of our July 28, 2022 webinar on addressing overheating in co-operative housing.