A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  11 July 2022   

Historic Announcement, July 11

We are thrilled to share news of an important announcement that will take place on Monday, July 11. The announcement brings together several partners on a historic deal for the co-operative housing movement, and we want you to be part of it!

  3 June 2022   

Summer Movie Screenings

Over the summer, we will be screening two documentaries: "Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger" and "Someone Like Me." Read on to discover what the films are about.

  1 June 2022   

June is National Indigenous History Month

This month invites Indigenous Peoples to celebrate their history in the spirit of pride and preservation. For non-Indigenous Canadians, it is an opportunity to learn and show recognition of the role Indigenous Peoples have played and continue to play in shaping Canada

  17 May 2022   

Upcoming Vancouver Island Events

Vancouver Island members are invited to join us for two exciting upcoming events.: Vancouver Island Council and Anniversary Reception, and Island Education Day.

  31 March 2022   

Vancouver Island Visit

Our Communications Director, Yuri Artibise, will be in Victoria from April 6-8, 2022. During his visit, he will be available to meet with Vancouver Island co-op members, staff, and partners.

  19 January 2022   

Mobility Pricing in Metro Vancouver: How to Have Your Say!

Our friends at Moving in a Livable Region (MLR) are hosting six local and one regional dialogue on Mobility Pricing across Metro Vancouver starting mid-February.

  12 January 2022   

The YES Cooperation Media Club

The YES Cooperation Media Club Stream will introduce youth to exciting new ideas, stories, information and theories that will open up new possibilities for the way they (and by extension, we) think about the world.

  22 December 2021   

2021 #HousingCentral Highlights Video

CHF BC was proud to be a partner in the 2021 Housing Central Conference! For those of you who were able to participate virtually this year, we hope you found the keynote speakers and education sessions to be informative and inspiring, and that you were able to connect with fellow delegates to discuss the issues facing our sector.

  6 December 2021   

Diana Day, 2021 CHF BC AGM Keynote Speaker

Diana Day was invited to speak to our 2021 AGM about what truth, reconciliation, and decolonization might look like in our community of housing co-ops. Diana is a First Nations woman from the Oneida Nation, a member of the Wolf Clan, and has lived in Vancouver since the early 80’s, and is a member of … Continued

  30 November 2021   

December Movie Night – Into the Light

To coincide with the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, CHF BC is screening the feature-length documentary Into the Light by Gentille M. Assih. Please join us on Thursday, December 16, 2021 to watch this inspiring film about women of African descent regaining power over their lives after experiencing domestic violence. … Continued

  27 November 2021   

CHF BC’s second virtual AGM was a success

CHF BC held its 39th annual AGM on November 21, 2021. The two-hour meeting attracted over 100 participants, including 55 delegates, to our virtual platform. President Suzann Zimmering presented the board report reviewing the achievements of CHF BC’s group of social enterprises over the past year. During her remarks, Suzann outlined three strategic priorities for … Continued

  10 November 2021   

2021 Annual General Meeting – Special Keynote Speaker

CHF BC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be conducted online, on Sunday, November 21, 2021.

We are excited to announce this year’s keynote speaker is Diana Day, Lead Matriarch at the Pacific Association of First Nations Women.