A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  6 November 2021   

Together, let’s make #HousingCentral

BCNPHA’s latest edition of infoLINK – Housing Central Conference Special Edition is packed with exciting information about our upcoming conference! You’ll find helpful tips to make your #HousingCentral networking a success, a feature story on by Art Expo curator Robi Smith, a celebration of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association’s 25th anniversary, guidelines for retrofit success and much more!

  24 October 2021   

Registration for #HousingCentral is now open!

Are you ready for #HousingCentral 2021? Get ready to join us virtually to meet, learn, and engage with the brightest minds working to solve the affordable housing and homelessness crises.

  24 October 2021   

Thank you for joining us!

Thank you to everyone who was a part of CHF BC’s Virtual Well-Being Conference.

We hope that each session, activity and interaction at this year’s conference left you feeling refreshed and more connected to yourself and your community.

  13 October 2021   

News Release: CHF BC hosts virtual conference in support of community wellness and resilience

The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) is pleased to host its first virtual Well-Being Conference with an original lineup of meaningful, community-focused wellness workshops and activities from October 18 to 22, 2021.

This conference, happening during Co-op Week, is a week-long series dedicated to supporting the well-being and resilience of communities in the co-op housing sector, housing sector, co-op organizations and beyond.

  8 October 2021   

2021 Fall Education Conference – a virtual learning opportunity

Register now to join us October 18 – 22, as we learn, reflect and integrate new practices to support being well ourselves and uncover ways to care for those around us.

  7 October 2021   

Atautsikut Review:Co-ops can be a model for community and economic development

Earlier this week, CHF BC hosted a screening of the film Atautsikut (Leaving None Behind), an incredibly inspiring story of the birth and evolution of the Federation of Co-operatives of Northern Quebec (FCNQ), told by co-op and community members through the lens of writer/director John Houston.

  20 August 2021   

Call for Artists: Housing Central Virtual Art Exhibition

The Housing Central Virtual Art Exhibition will feature a wide variety of work exploring themes of community housing, homelessness, mental health, addictions, resilience, co-operation and working together, healing, diversity and inclusion.

Participation in the virtual art exhibition is free for selected artists and will be hosted on the Housing Central Conference website from October 25 – December 31, 2021.

  22 June 2021   

Rescheduled City Lease Town Halls

CHF BC can now confirm that Vancouver City Council plans to hear a report from staff on housing co-op lease renewals on July 7. The staff report will be released to the public on June 30, 2021.

We will be holding two town halls for members to prepare for the Council meeting.

  11 June 2021   

City of Vancouver Lease Town Hall Postponed

Some last-minute considerations have emerged that will push the Council report on co-op leases to July 6 or 7.  As a result, the public release of the Council report will not happen any earlier than June 29.

CHF BC is therefore postponing the June 17 town hall to a date later in June or early in July.  The date will be announced at the earliest opportunity, as soon as we receive word on the final schedule.  We will share more information with you as it becomes available.

  4 May 2021   

May is Asian Heritage Month

May is Asian Heritage Month and CHF BC is celebrating the rich Asian heritage of our communities. We acknowledge the Asian-heritage community leaders and builders and want to uplift their voices and stories. We will also begin the work to formally tackle anti-Asian racism while acknowledging that this is an ongoing process and just the … Continued

  3 May 2021   

Housing Central Celebrates Asian Heritage Month

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, this May we join together with our partners in Housing Central to celebrate the rich Asian heritage of our communities.

We acknowledge the Asian-heritage community leaders and builders and want to uplift their voices and stories.

We will also begin the work to formally tackle anti-Asian racism while acknowledging that this is an ongoing process and just the beginning of our work to dismantle structural racism.

  11 December 2020   

THANKS FOR JOINING US at the 2020 Housing Central Conference!

From all of us here at CHF BC, BCNPHA and AHMA, thank you for being part of the 2020 Housing Central Conference. We are thrilled to have welcomed nearly 1,200 delegates for three days of learning, connection and inspiration; even though we weren’t able to meet in person, we saw an incredible level of engagement … Continued