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  23 March 2017   

Federal investment in affordable housing includes good news for co-ops

Yesterday’s federal budget announcement includes the single biggest investment in affordable housing in Canadian history — $11.2 billion over the next 11 years.Coming on the heels of BC…

  20 February 2017   

CHMC Reno/Retro Grant Update

The announcement last year of CMHC’s Reno/Retro grant program attracted a lot of attention among housing co-operatives in BC and across the country. More than forty co-ops in BC made…

  3 July 2016   

New R

New Funds for Building ProjectsCMHC has announced a new renovation and retrofit program, “Reno/Retro 2016 For Existing Social Housing Administered by CMHC”. Potentially eligible co-ops…

  30 May 2016   

New co-op part of affordable housing launch in Vancouver

CHF BC and the Vancouver Community Land Trust Foundation joined with officials from the City of Vancouver and the governments of British Columbia and Canada earlier this week to celebrate the…

  6 September 2004   

CHRA gives Conservatives a failing grade on housing

The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, reported in its review of party platforms that "the election of a Conservative government would mean longer waiting lists and more homelessness."