A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  18 October 2022   

Vancity Increases CHIP Rates to 3.55%

As rates are rising, the CHIP rate of 3.55% is good news for co-ops as it provides above-market returns on your operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for CHF BC membership dues.

  5 October 2022   

2022 Century of Co-operation Awards Ceremony

Thank you to everyone who attended CHF BC’s annual Century of Co-operation awards ceremony on September 29, 2022 at the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver. The day was filled with laughter, music and great people! We were overjoyed to be able to bring back the Century of Co-operation Awards Ceremony for our long-time co-operators after our 2-year … Continued

  4 August 2022   

Exclusive Offer on TELUS LivingWell Companion

Members and staff of CHF BC member co-ops can now enjoy an exclusive offer on personal emergency response services from TELUS Health. Enjoy independent living at home or on the go with LivingWell Companion.

  19 July 2022   

CHF BC Sustainability Grant 2022

CHF BC and the Sustainability Grant Committee are pleased to announce that Granville Gardens Housing Co-operative in Richmond is the recipient of our 2022 Sustainability Grant.

  15 June 2022   

Cultivating Relationships with the Land and Each Other

Twin Rainbows Housing Co-operative received a CHF Canada Regional Diversity Grant to hold two workshops on land and cultural dispossession, reconciliation and creating awareness around colonial structures. The workshops aimed to help co-op members build better relations with the land and the host nations.

  4 March 2022   

Vancity Increases CHIP Rate for Member Co-ops

Vancity has increased their CHIP rate for to 0.85%. This is good news for co-ops as it provides above-market returns on operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for CHF BC membership dues.

  10 February 2022   

20 Years of Working with Vancouver Island Co-ops

2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the merger of The Vancouver Island Co-operative Housing Association and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC. The result — one federation serving housing co-ops across the province — has been a resounding success.

  26 January 2022   

Vacancies on CHF BC’s Climate Emergency Task Force

CHF BC is inviting applications from members interested in serving on the Climate Emergency Task Force. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 21, 2022.

  7 January 2022   

2022 CHF BC Scholarship Fund applications are now open

The CHF BC Scholarship Fund supports the educational goals of housing co-op members, particularly young co-op members who are already making a contribution to their communities.

  14 December 2021   

New Model Sustainability Policy

Co-op decisions impact the environment and are impacted by the environment. Does your co-op have an overall direction on how to sustainably approach its operations and long-term planning? Consider adopting a sustainability policy! Sustainability can touch on almost all aspects of a co-op’s operations. More than with most policies, a sustainability policy sets out how … Continued

  9 November 2021 launches — Thanks CHTC for funding for ARC

We’re happy to report that, the website supporting the new ARC program (active resilient communities), is up and running.

  29 October 2021   

Introducing ARC: Active Resilient Communities

CHF BC is excited to announce ARC—Active Resilient Communities—a new program to assist our members.

ARC is designed to help you have conversations on long term issues in a structured way. We hope it will help you come to some answers but recognize that the conversations themselves are important.