A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  13 October 2021   

News Release: CHF BC hosts virtual conference in support of community wellness and resilience

The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) is pleased to host its first virtual Well-Being Conference with an original lineup of meaningful, community-focused wellness workshops and activities from October 18 to 22, 2021.

This conference, happening during Co-op Week, is a week-long series dedicated to supporting the well-being and resilience of communities in the co-op housing sector, housing sector, co-op organizations and beyond.

  7 October 2021   

Private market sale threatens hundreds of affordable co-op homes

Burnaby housing co-ops threatened by sell-off to private landlords The residents of a 244-unit non-profit housing co-op in Burnaby are at risk of losing their homes when the property is sold on the commercial real estate market by its owners, the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 115 Pension Plan. The 115 Place Co-operative Housing Association includes … Continued

  11 June 2021   

City of Vancouver Lease Town Hall Postponed

Some last-minute considerations have emerged that will push the Council report on co-op leases to July 6 or 7.  As a result, the public release of the Council report will not happen any earlier than June 29.

CHF BC is therefore postponing the June 17 town hall to a date later in June or early in July.  The date will be announced at the earliest opportunity, as soon as we receive word on the final schedule.  We will share more information with you as it becomes available.

  29 January 2021   

Community-Based Tenant Initiative is also for Co-ops

CHF BC was a founding partner in the creation of The Community Housing Transformation Centre. Among other things, the Centre administers funding for co-ops and others to improve member (and tenant) engagement. This year’s funding period will end on March 31. Consider making an application under the Community-Based Tenant Initiative Fund. The following comes from … Continued

  15 January 2021   

Expanded Meeting Support Services to Help Your Co-op

CHF BC’s Meeting Support Services team continues to expand.

With so many requests from members, we’ve added to the team of hosts, technical support people and election support people to meet the demand from members.

  22 September 2020   

CHF BC Renews Telecom Program with TELUS!

CHF BC has reached a new agreement with TELUS to continue providing deep discounts on HDTV and high-speed Internet services to our members, effective October 1.

We welcomed TELUS as our newest group buying partner almost five years ago.  Since then 3,400 co‑op members have enjoyed the benefits of affordable internet access and home entertainment services.  We are pleased to announce that this will continue for another five years.

  25 April 2020   

Co-ops in a COVID-19 time: Virtual town hall recap

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first virtual town hall on April 22nd. We hope you enjoyed exploring what housing co-ops need to know during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event attracted more than 180 co-op members, making it the best attended event in CHF BC’s history.

Our focus wasn’t on how to survive. Rather it was how to thrive and do whatever’s necessary to emerge from these challenging times stronger than ever. 

If you weren’t able to join us, you can watch the virtual town hall recording below.  And don’t worry, we’ll be scheduling regular events on line to keep you in the loop.

  26 January 2020   

Fraserview members take the lead

Fraserview Housing Co-operative took a big step forward by electing its first resident board at last week’s annual general meeting. This marks an important occasion in the life of a multi-site partnership with the Community Land Trust, the City of Vancouver and the members of Fraserview. Half a decade ago, the City sought a non-profit … Continued

  24 November 2017   

Seeking members interested in joining CHF BC’s education committees!

Are you passionate about education for housing co-op members? Would you like to meet two or three times in 2018 to offer your insights and experience? Our CHF BC education committees (both Mainland and Vancouver Island) are essential to making sure our initiatives are grounded in the reality of life for housing co-ops in BC. … Continued

  30 October 2017   

Members enjoy a forward-looking 2017 Fall Education Conference

Around 150 CHF BC members came together on Saturday, October 28 for the 2017 Fall Education Conference.

All conference participants were invited to share their thoughts in an afternoon plenary that looked at what we can learn from looking back and looking forward in the development of our housing co-ops.

  28 June 2017   

Fabulous fun in the sun at Co-op Housing Summer BBQ

Co-op members from around the Lower Mainland came together on Saturday, June 24 at Trout Lake in Vancouver for an afternoon of fun, good food, games, kids races, and prizes in the bright summer sun. Members shared a BBQ catered by Vera’s Burger Shack and enjoyed live musical entertainment by renowned performing artist Sibel Thrasher. The annual event … Continued

  3 April 2017   

CHF BC recognizes long-time co-operators

When CHF BC opened its doors 35 years ago, housing co-ops were already well established in British Columbia. And some of those original members are still living in their co-op communities today!

On Friday, March 24 CHF BC presented its first Century of Co-operation awards to 18 co-op members whose age plus the years they have lived in a co-op equals at least 100 years. The ceremony was held at the beautiful Westin Wall Centre (Vancouver Airport) in Richmond.

On Friday, March 24 CHF BC presented its first Century of Co-operation awards to 18 co-op members whose age plus the years they have lived in a co-op equals at least 100 years. The ceremony was held at the beautiful Westin Wall Centre (Vancouver Airport) in Richmond.