A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  8 November 2016   

Inspiring education conference and plenary

On October 22, CHF BC members came together for another inspiring education conference. There was great feedback from participants new, returning and from around the province.

  11 April 2016   

Co-op members build a strong platform for innovation at Spring Education Conference

A capacity crowd of CHF BC members took part in the Co-op Housing Education Conference on Saturday, April 9 with 150 people in 12 workshops. All the workshops were built around creating a strong…

  22 December 2015   

Record-breaking AGM generates excitement over new program, new board and new hope

A new program, a new board and new hope for members caught in the co-op housing crunch were all unveiled at a meeting that took AGMs to new heights. A record-breaking 64 delegates plus observers and…

  25 September 2015   

Model Rules 2.0 Info Session answers lots of questions

Co-op members from around the Lower Mainland got answers to their Model Rules 2.0 questions with answers that explained the major differences in the new Model Rules and gave the back-story that led…

  17 September 2015   

Will you still need me, will you still feed me? Sneak preview of Aging in Place survey results at Member Forum

CHF BC’s Aging in Place Project Coordinator, Alison Planche presented the preliminary results of the Aging in Place survey to members at CHF BC and CHF Canada’s joint Member Forum on…

  14 September 2015   

Cameo Co-op Celebrates on Vancouver Island

Cameo Co-op’s operating agreement ended July 2015. The end of an operating agreement is a major occasion in the life of a co-op. The first mortgage may be paid off, but there’s a lot…

  10 July 2015   

City of Vancouver Lease Agreements – First Conversations with Co-ops

For the last week of June, CHF BC arranged a pair of meetings for some of the 50 housing co-ops holding leases with the City of Vancouver. These meetings were focused on the concerns of co-ops with…

  23 March 2015   

Island members “Get Real” at all-day Island Education Day workshop

On Saturday, March 21, 19 enthusiastic members from 12 Island co-ops came together to “Get Real” at the Spring Island Education Day.

  10 May 2005   

CHF BC seeks nominations for AGM elections

CHF BC is calling for nominations for board and finance committee elections at the November 26 annual general meeting.