A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  27 September 2022   

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

As we’ve engaged with our members, many of whom have either been impacted by the colonial practices embedded in their housing co-ops’ culture, or those who have observed it, we recognize that we have a long way to go. 

  20 September 2022   

DeCosmos Village Celebrates 50th Anniversary

The co-op put co-op housing on the map in Vancouver, and were also significantly involved in establishing CHF BC.

  15 September 2022   

New Community-Specific Housing Data Portal Launched Ahead of Civic Elections

First of its kind portal provides information on current housing and priority future needs for BC municipalities as local government candidates pledge to protect and build more affordable homes

  9 September 2022   

REMINDER: New Obligations for Housing Co-ops

Last autumn, we let you know about new obligations that your co-op faces: housing co-ops and other landowners need to submit reports to the Land Owner Transparency Registry. These obligations were delayed, but the revised November 30, 2022, deadline for filing transparency reports is fast-approaching.

  26 July 2022   

Message from Waste Connections

CHF BC’s group buying team has received the following message from Waste Connections, a group buying partner in response to delayed and missed pick-ups from several of our member co-ops.

  30 June 2022   

Happy International Day of Cooperatives

This year’s celebration will be the 100th International Cooperative Day, the 28th International Day of Cooperatives recognized by the United Nations and will mark a decade from the International Year of Cooperatives in 2012.

  9 June 2022   

2021 Heat Dome Report

On June 7th, the BC Coroners Service released its review of the heat-related deaths that occurred across the province in late June and early July 2021.

  9 May 2022   

In Memory of Wes Hosler

Many of you will remember Wes as a community housing sector stalwart. He served as both treasurer and president of CHF Canada, as well as president of CHF BC. He is also one of CHF Canada’s Honorary Life Associates.

  22 April 2022   

Co-op Housing in the News

Following the release of the federal budget there has been a flurry news coverage. Here is a selection of some of these articles… and more.

  12 April 2022   

2022 Federal Budget Response

Housing affordability was at the forefront of big-ticket federal budget announcements last week, and CHF BC is pleased to see Ottawa’s focus on an issue affecting the lives of millions of Canadians so directly.

  31 March 2022   

Vancouver Island Visit

Our Communications Director, Yuri Artibise, will be in Victoria from April 6-8, 2022. During his visit, he will be available to meet with Vancouver Island co-op members, staff, and partners.

  11 March 2022   

Donate to Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine

Our friends at the Co-operative Development Fund of Canada (CDF) are actively raising much-needed funds for the people of Ukraine and calling on the cooperative community across Canada to help.