A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  9 March 2022   

BC Today: A Growing Demand for Co-op Housing

With housing prices out of reach, some British Columbians are looking to co-op housing as a solution. BC Today Host Michelle Eliot talks with Thom Armstrong and call-in listeners to discuss this topic.

  8 March 2022   

COVID-19 Vaccination Information

CHF BC has received the following information from the provincial government’s Immunize BC project that may be of interest to members.

  8 March 2022   

Housing Co-ops Featured in CBC Article on Cost of Living

Members of an East Vancouver and a Burnaby co-op were featured in a CBC News story on March 7, 2022. The article profiles members of each co-op—including CHF BC director John Bathurst—and includes commentary from CHF BC CEO Thom Armstrong.

  3 March 2022   

UPDATE: Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) Action Plans

Every co-op in the Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) will need to complete an Action Plan covering the next three years. The launch of the Self Assessment and Action Plan will take place in the week of 7 March 2022, with a submission deadline of 1 April 2022 for your plan.

  23 February 2022   

BC Budget 2022 falls short on urgent need for more funding for affordable housing

The biggest omission in the budget is the lack of any attention to the loss of affordable homes from the existing rental market.

  15 February 2022   

Our Strategic Priorities for 2021-25

In 2021 our strategic plan was updated to reflect sustainability practices, a sense of belonging and expansion of our movement.

  14 February 2022   

Winter Updates from CHF Canada

News and updates from our colleagues at CHF Canada for winter 2022.

  11 February 2022   

Winter Updates from CHF BC

The board and staff of CHF BC have had a busy start to 2022. Here are some highlights of what we’ve been up to.

  10 February 2022   

20 Years of Working with Vancouver Island Co-ops

2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the merger of The Vancouver Island Co-operative Housing Association and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC. The result — one federation serving housing co-ops across the province — has been a resounding success.

  27 January 2022   

Introducing our new Education Director Dr. Garfield Hunter

Dr. Garfield Hunter is an urban planner with over 9 years of diverse knowledge and leadership experience in urban redevelopment planning, climate change, housing, social equity, and sustainability education.

  26 January 2022   

BC’s first Urban Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy

AHMA’s groundbreaking work is an important step part of claiming and protecting the social, economic, and Indigenous housing rights of all urban, rural, and northern Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia.

  26 January 2022   

Vacancies on CHF BC’s Climate Emergency Task Force

CHF BC is inviting applications from members interested in serving on the Climate Emergency Task Force. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 21, 2022.