Seniors are at the very heart of housing co-ops, many of whom played critical roles in the running of the co-op especially in those early years. Recognizing the valuable contributions of older adults supports a thriving, age-inclusive society. This is something that CHF BC strives to do.

CHF BC Century of Co-operation - Honouring our long-standing members.

Award Details

The Century of Co-operation award recognizes the significant contributions of older adults in housing co-ops to both their communities and co-ops.

The award honours members of CHF BC member housing co-operative whose age plus years of living in housing co-operatives equals 100 years or more.

Here’s the formula: (Member’s age) + (length of time living in co-op housing, current co-op or other co-op) ≥100. For example, a person who is 80 years old and has lived in co-op housing for 20 years qualifies with an even 100 years.

CHF BC traditionally recognizes the members on at annual ceremonies in Vancouver and Victoria each fall.  Awards are sent to members unable to attend a ceremony.  Some co-ops also recognize their Century of Co-operation award recipients at a general meeting or their own event.

We have recognized 374 members for this award since 2011.

Nominate Someone

Are you eligible for this year's Century of Co-operation Award? Do you know someone who is?

Please complete the form at the link below to nominate someone—including yourself—for this award. Submit a separate form for each member that you are nominating.


Alternatively, you can download and print a Century of Co-operation nominations form [PDF] form and mail it to:

Co-operative Housing Federation of BC
ATTN: Jarrett Hagglund
220 – 1651 Commercial Drive,
Vancouver, BC  V5L 3Y3

The 2024 application period will close on September 9, 2024. All eligible members will receive an award and will be celebrated on September 27, 2024.

Apply Now

International Day of Older Persons

October 1 is a day set aside by the United Nations to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons.

In Canada the day is also referred to as <a href=”https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/campaigns/national-seniors-day.html”>National Seniors Day</a>.

CHF BC and our Aging-in-Place Committee host the Century of Co-operation Awards ceremonies on—or around—Octobers 1 each year.  It is one way that we acknowledge and celebrate all the ways older adults enrich our lives and our co-op communities.