Climate Emergency Task Force Application Form

Thank you for your interest in being part of CHF BC’s Climate Emergency Task Force.

You can learn more about the CETF — and how you can help CHF BC help make housing co-operatives safer and more resilient in the face of climate change — in our Call for Members [PDF].

For more information, please contact or call 604-879-5111 | toll-free 1-866-879-5111.

Applicant Information

What is your affiliation with the organization?(Required)

How did you learn about the Climate Emergency Task Force?
Select all that apply


Select as many as apply

Demographic Information

CHF BC recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion. The purpose of the self-identification questions is to collect information to assist us in developing a meaningful and diverse committee and task force. All questions are completely voluntary.
Age Range
Please check all that apply to you:
(Note: Racialized persons in this context are Black or persons of colour other than Indigenous persons)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.