Oak Bay Housing Cooperative

1426 Newport Ave, Victoria, BC V8S 5E9

Oak Bay offers one- and two-bedroom apartments in a three-storey building (without an elevator). Co-op memberships are for those aged 55+. No pets are allowed; and there is no smoking anywhere on property.

To download the newest version of their application form, please click here. Please ensure you are appropriately housed when submitting your applications; otherwise, the application will not be shortlisted. The co-op follows the national occupancy standards (NOS).

Currently, the co-op is not accepting applications for one-bedroom suites.

Unit Type # of Units Unit Type Open Average Share Purchase Average Housing Charge*
0-Bed 2 Apartment No $2000 $660
1-Bed 9 Apartment No $2000 $779
2-Bed 23 Apartment Yes $2000 $950