Sam Greer Place Housing Co-operative

1714 Maple St, Vancouver, BC V6J 3S6

About Sam Greer Place Housing Co-operative

Sam Greer is a 15-unit housing co-op made up of 7 one-bedroom and 8 two-bedroom suites surrounding a central courtyard.

We have three heritage buildings on-site that were renovated into apartments when Sam Greer Co-op was established in 1977, these units range in size from 380-700 square feet.

We have five townhouses that were purpose built in 1977; these units are 800 square feet. We do not have any wheelchair-accessible units, currently. (2022)

We share a common laundry room, tool shed, recycling shed, bike parking and composter. There is limited on-site parking. Sam Greer is a smoke-free co-op. A pet may be allowed. All pets must be spayed or neutered. 

Financial Information

We are unable to offer housing charge assistance to new members.

Our application waitlist is now closed. Please check in at a later date.

Unit Type # of Units Unit Type Open Average Share Purchase Average Housing Charge*
1-Bed No
2-Bed No