Trafalgar Co-operative Housing Association

2035 Trafalgar Street, Vancouver, BC V6K 3S5

The Trafalgar Co-op is comprised of 20 units in 3 smoke-free buildings, and is located in Kitsilano.

Co-operative community spirit and financial stability are expected of co-op members, along with active and regular participation in co-op meetings and governance. We are a mix of family sizes and ages.

Vacancies are infrequent, but the wait list remains open.

Refer to the Application for further information. Note that mailed applications will NOT be accepted.

To apply, please click on the 'Application' yellow button at the bottom of the page.

Fill in the fillable application, and email your completed application to:

Please reapply with an application each year in order to remain on the waitlist.

Unit Type # of Units Unit Type Open Average Share Purchase Average Housing Charge*
2-Bed 13 Yes
3-Bed 7 No