Co-ops on the municipal ballot: who’s talking about us…?

  13 November 2014

There are only two days left in the campaign to elect mayors and councils in municipalities across British Columbia.  We’re always curious to know who is planning to put housing co‑ops front and centre in their affordable housing strategy…if they have one.CHF BC has just completed a quick check of the platforms and positions issued by candidates for mayor and council across the province.Here’s a summary of what we found. Top marks went to those who mentioned housing co-ops explicitly in their platforms. Silver medals to those who mentioned affordable housing as a priority. Our apologies to anyone we missed.We think it’s worth knowing who our supporters are as we prepare to vote on November 15. But whatever your views, above all get out and vote. You can make a difference in your community for the next three years, so be sure to make your voice count.