Dog Days & Pet-Friendly Homes

  20 August 2024

CHF BC understands that our non-human companions are often our friends and beloved family members. For many co-op residents, pets – whether dogs, cats or other animals – are sources of emotional support and joy. What better time to be reminded of this than August 26, International Dog Day!

Many housing co-ops have traditionally offered homes friendly to pets, which can bring people together and help create stronger, more connected communities. Whether it’s a morning walk with your dog, or a purring cat curled up beside you when you have a neighbour over, pets help to break the ice and facilitate interactions among people. These everyday encounters can lead to deeper relationships and a more cohesive community spirit.

Research suggests that pets contribute positively to mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Pets may provide companionship and a sense of purpose. In families with kids, pets enrich children’s learning about responsibility, empathy, and the experience of caring for another living being. By ensuring that housing co-operatives are pet-friendly, we support these benefits and promote healthier, happier living environments for a broader range of people.

CHF BC and Community Land Trust both support pet-friendly co-ops.

  • CHF BC offers template policies that help balance the concerns and needs of those living with pets, and those that don’t.
  • CLT supports pet-friendly co-ops by building them! All new CLT developments have incorporated options to support residents with pets.

Finding pet-friendly housing can be challenging in the rental market, and creating spaces where pets are welcome and where pet owners can thrive is very important to serve the needs of all British Columbians.


For more information about CHF BC or the Community Land Trust, please visit our website.

Happy International Dog Day from all of us! (We were a little late for International Cat Day, celebrated August 8, but we wish all the cat-lovers well, too!)


Note: you need to be logged into the CHF BC website to access our policy templates. If you don’t already have an account, you can register here.