PIPA: A Privacy Primer for Housing Co-ops

Terra Macdonald      24 Apr 2025      Zoom      CHF BC event

6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. | Zoom

Find out how to protect your members’ right to privacy under BC’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) without compromising necessary co-op business practices.

Co-ops can’t avoid dealing with a lot of personal information about members. That’s just the nature of our business.

What type of information is considered personal? When should the board hold in camera meetings and who can read those minutes? Who has access to your personal information in the co-op? Is the board entitled to know which members are in arrears or on subsidy? What can you do if a director breaches confidentiality?

BC’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) includes very specific rules about how information can and can’t be used and who should have access to it. Don’t let a privacy complaint be the first time you find out what PIPA has to say.

Instructor: Terra MacDonald

All webinars are $45/person or $200 for six registrations from one co-op.

Non-member rates are $90/person