CHF BC’s free energy benchmarking program is up and running. And now, for most member co-ops, there’s a direct financial benefit to participation.
Energy benchmarking allows co-ops to understand their energy use at a community level: How much energy is being used? When? How is the co-op contributing to greenhouse gas emissions? How does one co-op compare to another? Benchmarking may even set your co-op on a path to better take advantage of government programs to make retrofits more affordable. Also, it’s a great way to spark members into talking more about sustainability and the future of their co-ops.
CHF BC can help. There’s a widely used platform called Energy Star Portfolio Manager that allows data to be collected in a way that preserves the privacy of each member household.
CHF BC and Vancity have partnered on an initiative that offers incentives for benchmarking participation. If your non-profit housing co-op is a Vancity member, it may be eligible for up to $500!
Utilities and municipalities vary in their approach. Some co-ops will have an easier chance at the full $500 than others. Apartments typically have an easier time that townhomes, and New Westminster co-ops face additional challenges. Talk with us for incentive details* and to see what’s possible!
Contact or check out our website for more information.
* Note: Existing ESPM participants are also eligible for the incentive (if they are Vancity members and agree to limited data-sharing with CHF BC and Vancity). This program will also help CHF BC better advocate for co-ops. Eligibility for the incentives vary but all require Vancity membership. Contact CHF BC for the details.
(Updated: August 29, 2023)