Fall 2022 Learning Series

  11 August 2022

Our education team has lined up an exciting menu of online workshops this fall.

From a practical session on how boards and committees can work together effectively, to an important session to help non-experts understand their co-op’s financial statement:, you’ll find our fall 2022 online education sessions interactive and informative.


September 8: What Makes a Good Board?

The best portable workshop for a newly elected board: packed full with the basic knowledge all housing co-op directors need.

September 15: Boards and Committees Working Together

Change is in the air with many co-ops taking a fresh look at board and committee roles to make sure they are delivering the best outcomes.

September 22: What Makes a Good Director?

With a focus on the duty of care and the duty of loyalty this basic primer focuses on how each individual director ensures the board’s success.

September 29: 10 Things to look for in your co-op’s financial statements

Help for the non-expert to understand the financial statement: the single most important indicator of your co-op’s financial health.


October 6: PIPA: A Privacy Primer for Housing Co-ops

Find out how to protect your members’ right to privacy as required by PIPA without compromising necessary co-op business practices.

October 13: Legal Duties of Directors

Learn how the legal duties of co-op directors translate into the daily demand for good governance and principled leadership in our co-ops.

October 27: Aging in our Co-op Communities

Co-op members are getting older. Aging in place is a process that enables older members to remain in their homes for as long as possible. It can have substantial benefits for older members, their families and the co-op community.


November 3: Dealing with Conflicts in Co-ops

Understand what gets in the way of effective responses to conflicts and review the options that are available to co-ops for the resolution of disputes.

November 10: Leadership that Inspires Member Involvement

Enhance your leadership capacities and skills in order to grow a culture of member involvement.

November 17: Co-op Housing Essentials

Update your co-op’s orientation for new members, as a reminder for long-standing members, or even for prospective members at the top of your wait-list!

Check out our upcoming winter sessions!

Day and Time

  • Workshops take place weekday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PDT.

Online Registration

  • Member rates are $40/person or $400 for six registrations from one co-op.
  • Non-member rates are $80/person or $400 for six registrations from one co-op.

In-Person Registration

  • Member rates are $80/person
  • Non-member rates are $160/person

If you have any questions, please contact education@chf.bc.ca.