Happy Birthday from CHF BC’s Telecom Program

  27 July 2017

Find out how to get your $35 gift card!

In celebration of CHF BC’s 35th birthday, CHF BC’s Telecom Program wants to thank you for spreading the good news about this great program to other members in your co-op.

If your co-op has already signed up for our Telecom program with TELUS and you’ve been enjoying the benefits of deeply discounted HDTV, high-speed internet and home phone services, why not share the savings with other members?

Here’s how you can win (and help others save too):

  1. Tell your neighbour about the program.
  2. If they are interested, send their name(s) (and contact information) to telecom@chf.bc.ca.
  3. Tell us your name and how to reach you.
  4. When your neighbour signs up for the program we’ll send you a gift card to Superstore (and participating Loblaw’s grocery stores).

Only members of co-ops that joined the Telecom program prior to July 1, 2017 are eligible.