Housing Co-op Energy Benchmarking Support Program

  1 November 2023

The Energy Star Portfolio Manager Support Program offers incentives to co-ops that create an Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) account and share their energy use data with us. It is a partnership of CHF BC and Vancity.

Program Details

Your co-op could access up to $500 by completing the following activities:

  • $100 for sharing digitized versions of construction or as-built drawings of their properties
    and/or buildings with CHF BC
    • One or more sets of building plans is sufficient for eligibility (e.g. architectural)
  • $200 for initiating the benchmarking process
    • Complete the Energy Benchmarking Information Form
    • Consent to share data with CHF BC and Vancity
    • Provide recent common area utility bills
    • Provide signed utilities aggregation consent form
  • $200 for setting up utility data in ESPM by
    • Successfully setting up automatic data upload; or
    • Manually entering three years of energy data

Participating co-ops must be Vancity members.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Benchmarking Benefits

Why track and compare your co-op’s energy use? The information helps you understand how your co-op is doing. This allows you to make better decisions and a case for change, whether you’re looking at potentially upgrading how you operate or wanting to show off the successes you’ve already had.