Island members speak about Sustainability

  3 June 2010

Island members provided great input at the member forum on sustainability held at the Vancouver Island Council meeting February 20.
There was lively debate as members discussed what sustainability meant for their co-op with regard to environment, legal, physical, social and financial issues. Meeting evaluations were very positive with members calling for more of this kind of discussion.
Island directors Candice Bunting and Larry LeSage reported on director elections at the AGM held November 24; CHF BC’s anniversary year activities; progress on leaky co-ops; the recent CHF BC board planning session; the upcoming SAGM; and the 2020 Vision and 2020 Compass programs.
Many thanks to BC Regional Director, Mike Alsop, who said goodbye as he steps down from the CHF Canada board at the CHF Canada AGM in June 08.
Join us for the next Council meeting scheduled for May 21, 2008. Mark your calendars now!