Delegates and observers packed the room with lots of networking and discussion at the Vancouver Island Council meeting on February 27. Congratulations to Patty Shaw (Kailasa Co-op) who was elected as Vancouver Island director.Vancouver Island Director Phil Brown gave a board report to delegates. CHF BC’s executive director, Thom Armstrong, gave delegates an overview of changes to the Co-op Act that affect the process for termination of occupancy. Delegates were invited to upcoming Island events.Members engaged enthusiastically in a forum on the Model Rules facilitated by CHF BC Education Director, Sue Moorhead. CHF Canada’s president (and BC regional director for CHF Canada) Anne Davidson, gave a report from CHF Canada and invited everybody to attend the upcoming CHF Canada AGM in Calgary. Mark your calendars: the next Council meeting is May 23! Photo: New Vancouver Island Director, Patty Shaw, with Vancouver Island Director, Phil Brown.