New Island director elected at Vancouver Island Council Meeting

  28 February 2013

Delegates and observers packed the room with lots of networking and discussion at the Vancouver Island Council meeting on February 27.  Congratulations to Patty Shaw (Kailasa Co-op) who was elected as Vancouver Island director.Vancouver Island Director Phil Brown gave a board report to delegates.  CHF BC’s executive director, Thom Armstrong, gave delegates an overview of changes to the Co-op Act that affect the process for termination of occupancy.  Delegates were invited to upcoming Island events.Members engaged enthusiastically in a forum on the Model Rules facilitated by CHF BC Education Director, Sue Moorhead. CHF Canada’s president (and BC regional director for CHF Canada) Anne Davidson, gave a report from CHF Canada and invited everybody to attend the upcoming  CHF Canada AGM in Calgary. Mark your calendars: the next Council meeting is May 23!   Photo: New Vancouver Island Director, Patty Shaw, with Vancouver Island Director, Phil Brown.