A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  6 March 2023   

#EmbraceEquity on International Women’s Day

CHF BC is happy to join this year’s International Women’s Day campaign #EmbraceEquity.

One of CHF BC’s strategic priorities is belonging. We want our co-ops to be communities that promote and embody equitable access, opportunity, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

  6 March 2023   

Career Opportunity: CEO, Rental Protection Fund Society

The Rental Protection Fund Society is a non-profit society whose purposes are to facilitate the acquisition, stabilization, development, renewal and retention of real estate assets in British Columbia to support affordable rental and co-operative housing.

  2 March 2023   

BC Budget is a Step Forward on Reconciliation

Our Housing Central partners at the Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) are pleased to see significant investment in Affordable Housing and Homelessness across BC in the 2023 BC Budget. This investment is long overdue and needed as BC deals with a housing and homelessness crisis that disproportionately impacts Indigenous people and communities.

  1 March 2023   

More Benefits for Members: Our Partnership with Waste Connections

We are pleased to announce that we have renewed our group buying waste and recycling contract with Waste Connections of Canada Inc. They are our group-buying partner for waste services in the Lower Mainland.

  28 February 2023   

B.C. Budget 2023 Builds on Historic Investments in Affordable Housing

Investments will protect existing homes, accelerate funding for new affordable homes, and reduce the growing affordability gap for renters.

  27 February 2023   

Update on BC’s new Rental Protection Fund

We understand there are many questions about when the Fund will be operational and how it will work, and we wanted to update you with the information we’ve confirmed over the past month. 

  27 February 2023   

Canada’s Resilient Housing Solution

Our partners at CHF Canada have been hard at work advocating for investments to grow and support housing co-ops. Last week, they released recommendations for the upcoming 2023 Federal Budget.

  24 February 2023   

Stand With Ukraine: 365 Days of Resistance

Housing co-op members have a long-standing history of helping others in need. As the war enters its second year, we hope you will help the Co-operative Development Fund of Canada raise the needed money to continue their important work in Ukraine.

  22 February 2023   

Office Products Made Easy with Automation One and CHF BC

CHF BC offers an extensive product selection of photocopiers, multifunction printers, plotters, postage mailing units, and more through our group buying partner, Automation One.

  17 February 2023   

District of Saanich Council Advisory Committees – Applications Now Open

The District of Saanich has now opened applications for our advisory committees, foundations, and boards. These are an excellent way to become more involved in your community, bring your co-op and lived experiences and advocacy to the District, learn how City Hall operates, and to meet people with similar interests.

Applications are open until March 17, 2023.

  17 February 2023   

City of Vancouver Volunteer Advisory Committees – Applications Now Open!

On February 14, 2023, Vancouver City Council established 15 advisory committees for the current term. These opportunities may be of interest to Vancouver co-op members or friends.

Applications are open until March 19, 2023.

  10 February 2023   

Podcast: Saving a Housing Co-op

More than 30,000 people live in co-op housing in BC. Together, co-op members are creating homes and communities. Like other housing groups, co-op members face challenges, aging buildings and higher construction costs.

BC Housing talks with Thom Armstrong, CEO, Co-operative Housing Federation of BC and Tiffany Duzita, Executive Director, Community Land Trust. They discuss how partnerships, committed co-op members, and access to financing from partners like BC Housing and Vancity help co-ops thrive.