A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  6 December 2022   

Fast Tracking Co-operative Housing in Vancouver

Vancouver city council is considering a motion this week that proposes allowing non-market housing—including co-op—projects that are up to 12 storeys to go ahead without the need for rezoning.

  1 December 2022   

Telus Winter Contest

Our group buying partner, Telus, is holding a contest this month. Don’t miss your chance to enroll!

  30 November 2022   

Snowfall Reminder

With the first significant snowfall of the season in the Lower Mainland, many co-ops will experience waste and recycling service delays. CHF BC member co-ops are on a list of “priority sites” and the moment that your service provider is able to get to you, they will.

  29 November 2022   

Vancity increases CHIP rates to 4.10%

As rates are rising, the CHIP rate of 4.10% is good news for co-ops as it continues to provide above-market returns on your operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for your membership dues.

  29 November 2022   

Everything that happened at the 2022 CHF BC AGM

The 40th CHF BC AGM was a big success. Our first hybrid AGM saw 82 in-person attendees and 40 online participants.

  24 November 2022   

Construction underway on new co-op homes in Surrey

Sunshine Housing Co-operative, the Community Land Trust, (CLT), BC Housing, and the City of Surrey have partnered to build a new 69-home affordable co-operative housing development in Surrey.

  17 November 2022   

AIRLUX: A New Option for Heating and Cooling Solutions

CHF BC’s partnership with AIRLUX will help keep you homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer, while saving you money all year round.

  14 November 2022   

Join CHF BC’s Climate Emergency Task Force

We’re looking for people who are keen to get involved and passionate about housing co-ops. Applicants must be from CHF BC member organizations.

  14 November 2022   

AGM Special Resolution: Financial Oversight and Risk Management

The CHF BC Board of Directors have submitted a special resolution for the consideration and approval by members at our AGM on November 20, 2022.

  10 November 2022   

Our offices will be closed on Remembrance Day

The CHF BC offices will be closed for Remembrance Day (November 11) and will reopen for regular business hours on Monday, November 14, 2022.

  10 November 2022   

Meet our AGM keynote speaker from the Hogan’s Alley Society

CHF BC is honoured to have Djaka Blais (she/her) the Executive Director of the Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS) speak at our annual general meeting on November 20, 2022.

  9 November 2022   

2022 AGM Delegate Orientation Video

Whether you are a new delegate for your co-op, or someone who’s been to CHF BC meetings in the past, this video will give an orientation to the federation and show you everything you need to know about our 2022 Annual General Meeting on November 20th.