A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
CHF BC’s Co-operative Housing Interest Pool (CHIP) with Vancity provides co-ops with above-market interest rates on their operating accounts. Almost 156 co-ops have combined deposits of more than $151 million in the pool. The current Vancity CHIP rate is now 4.60%. Regular business depositors earn little or nothing on similar accounts. The Bank of Canada … Continued
The Community Housing Transformation Centre offers support, information, and grants to the community housing sector, including non-profit housing co-ops and their residents.
As part of its Climate Emergency Action Plan, the City of Vancouver will assisting residents in multi-family buildings, with programs to aid with access to retrofits that support emission reductions.
The Government of Canada has a one-time top-up rent support of $500 for low-income families and individuals.
CHF BC would like to congratulate Delta North MLA Ravi Kahlon as BC’s new Minister of Housing. The appointment of a standalone Minister of Housing follows through on a Premier Eby’s commitment to make “attainable and affordable housing” a key priority of his government.
It is important that co-ops keep the garbage and recycling area free of snow and ice during the winter and holiday season to avoid any service disruptions. Here are some tips to follow.
Background CHF BC has provided meeting chair services to its member organizations for over 25 years. This involves connecting skilled chairpeople with housing co-operatives to conduct meetings in accordance with their Rules and the Cooperative Association Act. These services were mainly delivered in person until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early … Continued
Vancouver city council is considering a motion this week that proposes allowing non-market housing—including co-op—projects that are up to 12 storeys to go ahead without the need for rezoning.
Our group buying partner, Telus, is holding a contest this month. Don’t miss your chance to enroll!
With the first significant snowfall of the season in the Lower Mainland, many co-ops will experience waste and recycling service delays. CHF BC member co-ops are on a list of “priority sites” and the moment that your service provider is able to get to you, they will.
As rates are rising, the CHIP rate of 4.10% is good news for co-ops as it continues to provide above-market returns on your operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for your membership dues.
The 40th CHF BC AGM was a big success. Our first hybrid AGM saw 82 in-person attendees and 40 online participants.