A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
On behalf of the CHF BC group of Social enterprises, we extend our best wishes for a blessed and peaceful time of reflection to everyone observing this sacred month.
Our Communications Director, Yuri Artibise, will be in Victoria from April 6-8, 2022. During his visit, he will be available to meet with Vancouver Island co-op members, staff, and partners.
2022 marks our 40th anniversary. To celebrate this milestone, we are releasing a special anniversary logo.
CHF BC is dedicated to the principles of anti-racism and and end to racial discrimination.
We understand that while progress has been made, Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious minorities in Canada continue to face racism and discrimination every day.
Our friends at the Co-operative Development Fund of Canada (CDF) are actively raising much-needed funds for the people of Ukraine and calling on the cooperative community across Canada to help.
With housing prices out of reach, some British Columbians are looking to co-op housing as a solution. BC Today Host Michelle Eliot talks with Thom Armstrong and call-in listeners to discuss this topic.
CHF BC has received the following information from the provincial government’s Immunize BC project that may be of interest to members.
Members of an East Vancouver and a Burnaby co-op were featured in a CBC News story on March 7, 2022. The article profiles members of each co-op—including CHF BC director John Bathurst—and includes commentary from CHF BC CEO Thom Armstrong.
Vancity has increased their CHIP rate for to 0.85%. This is good news for co-ops as it provides above-market returns on operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for CHF BC membership dues.
Every co-op in the Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) will need to complete an Action Plan covering the next three years. The launch of the Self Assessment and Action Plan will take place in the week of 7 March 2022, with a submission deadline of 1 April 2022 for your plan.
A return to dedicated federal investment designed to build and acquire co-op housing at scale, in partnership with the co-operative housing sector, will help meaningfully address the housing crisis.