A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  23 November 2021   

Truth, Reconciliation and Decolonization

Diana shared some of her knowledge and experience with CHF BC members and staff, and highlighted both important history and actions we can take now.

  10 November 2021   

2021 Annual General Meeting – Special Keynote Speaker

CHF BC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), will be conducted online, on Sunday, November 21, 2021.

We are excited to announce this year’s keynote speaker is Diana Day, Lead Matriarch at the Pacific Association of First Nations Women.

  9 November 2021   

Winter Learning!

Whether you’re interested in best practices for your co-op or looking to learn more about the broader co-operative sector,  you’ll find our virtual education sessions engaging and practical.

  9 November 2021   

Interest Rates Likely to Rise

Co-ops carry debt for a few reasons: they may still be paying off their original mortgages for construction and land acquisition; they may be borrowing to secure a new lease; or they may undertake significant capital renewals (like new envelopes or parkade membrane replacements) that trigger borrowing.

Whatever the reason for having debt, interest rate trends are worth keeping an eye on.

  6 November 2021   

Together, let’s make #HousingCentral

BCNPHA’s latest edition of infoLINK – Housing Central Conference Special Edition is packed with exciting information about our upcoming conference! You’ll find helpful tips to make your #HousingCentral networking a success, a feature story on by Art Expo curator Robi Smith, a celebration of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association’s 25th anniversary, guidelines for retrofit success and much more!

  29 October 2021   

Introducing ARC: Active Resilient Communities

CHF BC is excited to announce ARC—Active Resilient Communities—a new program to assist our members.

ARC is designed to help you have conversations on long term issues in a structured way. We hope it will help you come to some answers but recognize that the conversations themselves are important.

  29 October 2021   

BC Registry Adopts New Wording for Co-op Rules Changes

BC’s Registry Services has introduced new requirements for the wording of special resolutions housing co-ops typically use to amend their Rules.

These new requirements are in place now and must be followed.

  25 October 2021   

Open Letter to the BC Government on the Climate Emergency

We call on the BC government to recognize the urgency and alarm that people all over the province are feeling as the climate crisis directly impacts our communities and our health: deadly heat waves, wildfires, drought, floods, crop failure, fisheries collapse, and costly evacuations and infrastructure damage. These climate-related impacts are unprecedented and intensifying. Indigenous peoples stand to be disproportionately impacted by climate events despite successfully taking care of the land since time immemorial.

  24 October 2021   

Registration for #HousingCentral is now open!

Are you ready for #HousingCentral 2021? Get ready to join us virtually to meet, learn, and engage with the brightest minds working to solve the affordable housing and homelessness crises.

  24 October 2021   

Thank you for joining us!

Thank you to everyone who was a part of CHF BC’s Virtual Well-Being Conference.

We hope that each session, activity and interaction at this year’s conference left you feeling refreshed and more connected to yourself and your community.

  14 October 2021   

Reminder: Coquitlam Housing Needs Report Survey

The City of Coquitlam is currently undertaking a Housing Needs Assessment. This will be presented to Coquitlam council in the Spring. City staff ask Coquitlam residents to consider filling in the Housing Needs Report Survey at by October 15th. They are seeking a diversity of voices. Here’s the message from Genevieve Bucher (Director, Community Planning, City of … Continued

  13 October 2021   

News Release: CHF BC hosts virtual conference in support of community wellness and resilience

The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) is pleased to host its first virtual Well-Being Conference with an original lineup of meaningful, community-focused wellness workshops and activities from October 18 to 22, 2021.

This conference, happening during Co-op Week, is a week-long series dedicated to supporting the well-being and resilience of communities in the co-op housing sector, housing sector, co-op organizations and beyond.