A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  16 June 2021   

Decolonizing Environmentalism

In thinking about environmental sustainability, we must also consider past injustices and exclusions against Indigenous, Black, People of Colour and other marginalized populations, as well as their different perspectives.

  11 June 2021   

City of Vancouver Lease Town Hall Postponed

Some last-minute considerations have emerged that will push the Council report on co-op leases to July 6 or 7.  As a result, the public release of the Council report will not happen any earlier than June 29.

CHF BC is therefore postponing the June 17 town hall to a date later in June or early in July.  The date will be announced at the earliest opportunity, as soon as we receive word on the final schedule.  We will share more information with you as it becomes available.

  12 May 2021   

Expression of Interest – Meeting Chairperson Training Program

EOI: Meeting Chairperson Training Program Background The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) is a membership association representing more than 250 housing co-operatives in British Columbia. CHF BC is incorporated under the Cooperative Association Act and is an umbrella organization for a group of related non-profit societies (subsidiaries) including COHO Management Services Society, COHO … Continued

  4 May 2021   

May is Asian Heritage Month

May is Asian Heritage Month and CHF BC is celebrating the rich Asian heritage of our communities. We acknowledge the Asian-heritage community leaders and builders and want to uplift their voices and stories. We will also begin the work to formally tackle anti-Asian racism while acknowledging that this is an ongoing process and just the … Continued

  3 May 2021   

Housing Central Celebrates Asian Heritage Month

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, this May we join together with our partners in Housing Central to celebrate the rich Asian heritage of our communities.

We acknowledge the Asian-heritage community leaders and builders and want to uplift their voices and stories.

We will also begin the work to formally tackle anti-Asian racism while acknowledging that this is an ongoing process and just the beginning of our work to dismantle structural racism.

  19 April 2021   

MEDIA ADVISORY: 2021 Provincial Budget Media Availability

VANCOUVER, BC (April 19, 2021) – Media are advised that Jill Atkey, CEO of BC Non-Profit Housing Association, and Thom Armstrong, CEO of the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC, will be available for interviews on the 2021 BC Budget following its release Tuesday, April 20.

Atkey and Armstrong can speak with reporters on measures to address the housing affordability crisis and the unique concerns of the community housing sector. More than a year into the pandemic that has exposed deep inequalities in our housing and health systems, the need for safe, secure and affordable housing has never been greater.

  16 April 2021   

How co-ops can tackle climate change – An interview with Kathryn Sheps

In 2020, CHF BC created a Climate Emergency Task Force to address climate concerns among our co-op communities, and share knowledge, resources and strategies that can be implemented in co-ops throughout B.C.

We had a chance to talk to Task Force member Kathryn Sheps about her work in delivering measures to address climate change, how co-ops can do their part – and most importantly, how we can stay enthusiastic about the work during an already challenging tim

  25 March 2021   

BC RAHA – Funding for Accessible Homes

The BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA) is an updated version of the Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program. BC RAHA launched in March 2021.

It provides financial assistance for low-income households to carry out adaptations for independent living.

  9 March 2021   

Celebrating the co-operative legacy of equality for Women’s History Month

Women have been part of CHF BC’s staff and leadership structure since the organization’s beginnings nearly 40 years ago. Today, 54% of CHF BC’s workforce and 71% of its management team are female, while more than half (58%) of the CHF BC board of directors is female.

Today, we’re shining a spotlight on some of our extraordinary leaders of the IWD 2021 campaign Choose to Challenge.

  1 March 2021   

COVID-19 Immunization Plan (March 1, 2021 Update)

B.C.’s COVID-19 immunization plan was released on March 1. It provides details on how the COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed to different populations throughout the province. As we move into Phase 2 of the plan, the goal is to continue vaccinating vulnerable groups. Beginning this month that will include seniors aged 80+, residents of independent … Continued

  26 February 2021   

Reflecting on Black History Month: Our Commitment to Leading Change

As Black History Month draws to a close, we are reflecting on our work of shedding light on historical and modern day “hidden figures” in the Black community in British Columbia and Canada. Why did we feel it was important to celebrate Black History Month? 2020 was undoubtedly a year of reckoning in race relations. We all … Continued

  22 February 2021   

Black History Month Spotlight: Alexander Family

Early pioneers Charles and Nancy Alexander moved north from California in 1858. In setting down roots on Vancouver Island became some of the first community builders in the Victoria area.

Their legacy of giving back to and strengthening the Victoria and Saanich communities has earned them a prominent place in BC’s history.