A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  20 January 2020   

Important Information on Your Co-op’s 2020 BC Property Assessments

IMPORTANT: if you want to preserve your right to appeal your property assessment, the deadline is January 31. If there is any chance you will want to dispute your assessment, you should contact BC Assessment before the end of the month. NOTE: AEC Property Tax Consultants is again offering CHF BC members a break (20%) … Continued

  7 November 2019   

Important update on CMHC subsidy extensions

Enrolment in the FCHI-2 began last month for federally administered co-ops.  The program will provide new rent assistance to low-income members beginning April 2020 and lasting until March 31, 2028.

In earlier communication we advised all federally administered co-ops to apply for enrolment in FCHI-2 in case they are eligible.  We can now be more precise in our advice.

  11 October 2019   

Thanks for joining us at the Fall 2019 Vancouver Island Council Meeting!

Thank you for joining us for the Fall 2019 Vancouver Island Council meeting at the Hotel Grand Pacific this week! There was a great crowd for the October 8 meeting in Victoria.

  4 October 2019   

What is a Housing Co-operative?

CHF BC and its member housing co-ops are part of a bigger community of co-operatives.

Even though many people are members of co-operatives (like credit unions, or Modo, or MEC), co-ops are still less familiar than limited companies and charities. We’ve put together a video that answers some basic questions about co-operatives and how housing co-ops have some special characteristics that makes them a great alternative to more common rental and ownership models.

  15 August 2019   

Update: Federal Community Housing Initiative, Phase 2 (FCHI-2)

CMHC has been working closely with key housing associations over the summer to finalize details for Phase 2 of the Federal Community Housing Initiative (FCHI).

This new rental assistance program for community housing providers reaching the end of their operating agreements will be available as of April 1, 2020.

  29 July 2019   

Housing Advocates Welcome Report from Burnaby Mayor’s Task Force on Community Housing

The Co-op Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) and BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) applaud the Burnaby Mayor’s Task Force on Community Housing for its vision of Burnaby as a community with affordable housing for all citizens.

  27 June 2019   

Housing Central 2019: Call for Art!

Are you an artist or do you know an artist living in a co-op who tackles issues related to housing and homelessness? We would love to hear from you! The upcoming Housing Central Conference will feature an art exhibition on Tuesday, November 19 at the Sheraton Wall Centre in downtown Vancouver. Additional opportunities to showcase artwork may be available … Continued

  18 June 2019   

Update on developments that affect co-ops in the City of Vancouver

The following is a brief update on developments that affect co-ops in the City of Vancouver.

Vancouver City Hall has been recently active on a couple of fronts.

  6 June 2019   

Rental-Only Zoning in Richmond

A number of co-ops in the City of Richmond received correspondence outlining the City’s proposal to consider rental-only zones.

Some housing co-ops would be affected by this measure if it were implemented and the City has offered a Public Open House on June 6 (from 4 pm to 8 pm).

This represents an opportunity for co-ops to learn more directly from the City.

  18 March 2019   

Next Steps for City of Vancouver Lease Renewals

In January and February, CHF BC held a pair of meetings for co-ops that lease land from the City of Vancouver. Members offered their views on the lease renewal framework and how the lease renewal discussion has progressed so far.

We have summarized the comments in a short document.

  13 February 2019   

Vancouver Expiring Leases 2019: Summary of First Meetings

It was a cold, snowy night… A good reminder of the importance of protecting co-op homes and resolving the challenge of expiring leases. February 11 marked the second meeting in the last couple of weeks with member housing co-ops, management companies and RePlan. These meetings were to discuss the issue of lease renewals with the … Continued

  30 January 2019   

Talking about City of Vancouver leases

On January 29, CHF BC met in Heritage Hall on Main Street with nearly 50 co-op members representing 20 co-ops, as well as management companies and *RePlan.

Everyone was there to talk about a new approach to renewing City of Vancouver leases.