A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  13 June 2017   

CHF BC’s resolution for investment gets enthusiastic support

CHF BC’s resolution for investment in new co-op development gets enthusiastic support at CHF Canada AGM Over 700 members and supporters of Canada’s housing co-ops gathered in Niagara Falls for the annual meeting of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) last week. Among other things, delegates explored exciting new initiatives for investing and partnering towards … Continued

  31 May 2017   

CHF BC welcomes Seniors Resource Coordinator

CHF BC welcomes our new Seniors Resource Coordinator, ML Burke. ML will lead CHF BC’s newest initiative, Co-op Connections for Independence, a project funded with an Eldercare grant from the BC…

  31 May 2017   

CHF BC announces president Patty Shaw’s resignation

With much gratitude for her outstanding service to the co-op housing sector, CHF BC regretfully announces the resignation of president Patty Shaw.A longstanding member of Kailasa Housing Co-op in…

  26 May 2017   

Vancouver Island Council meeting on May 24th

Island members gathered on May 24 for the Vancouver Island Council meeting in Victoria, networking with new and familiar faces, delegates and co-op members.Vancouver Island Directors Art Farquharson…

  18 May 2017   

CHF BC asks CHF Canada’s members to support new co-op development

Are you or another member of your co-op attending CHF Canada’s AGM in Niagara Falls this June? CHF BC is sponsoring a resolution at the meeting and we are looking for your support to make sure…

  15 May 2017   

Lots of highlights for delegates at 2017 Semi-Annual General Meeting

CHF BC members enjoyed a sunny Sunday afternoon together on May 7 at our Semi-Annual General Meeting in the Westin Wall Centre in Richmond.

  1 May 2017   

Mayor gets early tour of Fraserview Housing Co-op, a unique community in the making

Last month, Thom Armstrong, Executive Director of the Co-op Housing Federation of BC, joined Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson for a tour of the Fraserview Housing Co-op, where we got an early glimpse…

  19 April 2017   

Important: Changes to the Multiple Home Owner Grant Application for 2017

When it comes your co-op’s property taxes, although the co-op itself is the home owner, each unit has a member (called the "eligible occupant") who needs to provide a signature to…

  11 April 2017   

CHF BC and BC Rental Housing Coalition launch Affordable Housing Plan for BC

On Monday, April 10, Housing Central and the BC Rental Housing Coalition released An Affordable Housing Plan for BC, a ten-year plan to improve housing conditions in communities across British…

  5 April 2017   

2017 Spring Education Conference: Our biggest and brightest yet!

A record-breaking 162 members filled 282 workshop spots at our Spring Education Conference on April 1, held at CHF BC’s bright and light-filled new event venue, the Westin Wall Centre, Vancouver…

  3 April 2017   

CHF BC recognizes long-time co-operators

When CHF BC opened its doors 35 years ago, housing co-ops were already well established in British Columbia. And some of those original members are still living in their co-op communities today!

On Friday, March 24 CHF BC presented its first Century of Co-operation awards to 18 co-op members whose age plus the years they have lived in a co-op equals at least 100 years. The ceremony was held at the beautiful Westin Wall Centre (Vancouver Airport) in Richmond.

On Friday, March 24 CHF BC presented its first Century of Co-operation awards to 18 co-op members whose age plus the years they have lived in a co-op equals at least 100 years. The ceremony was held at the beautiful Westin Wall Centre (Vancouver Airport) in Richmond.

  23 March 2017   

Federal investment in affordable housing includes good news for co-ops

Yesterday’s federal budget announcement includes the single biggest investment in affordable housing in Canadian history — $11.2 billion over the next 11 years.Coming on the heels of BC…