A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
On November 13th, the co‑operative housing sector received a positive signal from Prime Minister Trudeau when he made public the mandate letters to his new cabinet. Mandate letters provide Ministers…
An enthusiastic group came together for the October Vancouver Island Council meeting on October 14.Congratulations to Avis Michalovsky, who was acclaimed as Chair of the Vancouver Island Council and…
On October 7, a devastating fire at Mountain View Co-op in Port Moody destroyed 47 homes. Everyone made it out safely, although some pets were lost. The units affected were one, two and three…
Co-op members from around the Lower Mainland got answers to their Model Rules 2.0 questions with answers that explained the major differences in the new Model Rules and gave the back-story that led…
CHF BC’s Aging in Place Project Coordinator, Alison Planche presented the preliminary results of the Aging in Place survey to members at CHF BC and CHF Canada’s joint Member Forum on…
Cameo Co-op’s operating agreement ended July 2015. The end of an operating agreement is a major occasion in the life of a co-op. The first mortgage may be paid off, but there’s a lot…
For the last week of June, CHF BC arranged a pair of meetings for some of the 50 housing co-ops holding leases with the City of Vancouver. These meetings were focused on the concerns of co-ops with…
CHF BC continues to follow the story of River Woods Housing Co-op in North Vancouver as they cope with the damage and loss of homes from a fire on May 7 affecting 26 units.
Housing co-op members packed another Vancouver Island Council meeting on Thursday night, May 21, and they were treated to a panel discussion on life after the end of co-op operating agreements with…
CHF BC delegates came together on Saturday May 2 for a packed day of fun and business at CHF BC’s Semi-Annual General Meeting.Federation directors provided a rousing update on our progress…
A record number of members came out to the fifth annual Island Open House at the CHF BC and COHO Management Services offices in Victoria on April 15.
On Saturday, March 21, 19 enthusiastic members from 12 Island co-ops came together to “Get Real” at the Spring Island Education Day.