A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  3 December 2013   

Model Rules 2.0 launched

At the AGM on November 30, CHF BC delegates saw the launch of Model Rules 2.0 a bold new standard in housing co-op governance.Members, staff, directors, co-op lawyers and managers have all played key…

  2 December 2013   

Members tackle future at packed CHF BC AGM

CHF BC members gathered on Saturday, November 30 in Burnaby for the Federation’s 31st annual general meeting.Here are some of the meeting highlights:A new board: Delegates acclaimed five…

  2 December 2013   

New BFI contract for mainland cuts prices, adds services

At the AGM on November 30, CHF BC announced the renewal of a three-year Waste and Recycling contract with BFI Canada – Progressive Waste Solutions.Delegates at the meeting learned details of the…

  14 November 2013   

Island members gain valuable information at Island Education Day

This year at the Island Education Day on Saturday November 9 there were 27 eager members participating in one or both of the offered workshops.

  28 October 2013   

Fall Education Conference tackles the future

With the theme "the times they are a-changing," CHF BC’s Fall Education Conference on Saturday, October 26, took on the realities of the end of co-op operating agreements, the…

  17 October 2013   

Vancouver Island Council

A full room of CHF BC members came together on Wednesday evening, October 16, for a warm and lively meeting of the Vancouver Island Council.Members heard a report from the CHF BC board and CHF BC…

  10 September 2013   

Tying together 2020 Compass and 2020 Vision at the September Member Forum

Lower Mainland co-op members packed the conference room at the Vancouver offices of CHF BC and CHF Canada for the joint Member Forum on Monday, September 9. After a quick review of the latest news…

  25 July 2013   

Short version of changes to co-op Rules now available

During our consultation on Model Rules 2.0, some co-ops told us that they would prefer to tackle the job of updating their Rules and Occupancy agreement in two stages:1.    …

  27 June 2013   

BC Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit – a summary for housing co-ops

CHF BC has prepared a summary of the BC Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit for co‐op members who are thinking about claiming the new tax credit in their tax return (for the 2012 tax year or…

  26 June 2013   

Co-op Housing Summer BBQ lots of fun for all ages!

CHF BC and CHF Canada members of all ages gathered at Trout Lake Park on Saturday, June 22 for the annual Co-op Housing Summer Barbecue to enjoy some good old-fashioned fun. The sun came out for…

  20 June 2013   

CHF BC invites members to comment on draft Model Rules 2.0

After months of preparation, the draft model Rules and Occupancy Agreement are now available for your comments. We want to make sure that the final Model Rules 2.0 work well for housing co-ops. And…

  28 May 2013   

Jordans is our new flooring partner for Island co-ops

After a request for proposals and a rigorous selection process, CHF BC selected Jordans as its new Island flooring partner on May 23."We chose Jordans for its outstanding commitment to product…