A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  24 May 2013   

Island Council Meeting wrap-up

CHF BC’s Vancouver Island Council members came together on Thursday, May 23 for a packed meeting where they learned more about about the implications of changes to the Co-op Act and…

  15 May 2013   

Vancouver City Council gives green light to Land Trust proposal for new affordable housing

CHF BC welcomed a unanimous decision by Vancouver City Council on May 15 to approve a proposal from the Community Housing Land Trust Foundation (the Land Trust) to lead a partnership of co-…

  15 May 2013   

Important notice of changes to BC’s Cooperative Association Act

On June 1, 2013 some important changes to the Co-operative Association Act (the Co-op Act) will take effect.  The most important of these changes deal with the ability of housing co-ops to end a…

  15 May 2013   

New government must unlock the solution to saving affordable co-op housing

CHF BC is telling the newly elected BC Liberal government that they must unlock the solution to keeping low-income, senior and disabled British Columbians in their homes.“During the life of the…

  14 May 2013   

Members get preview of CHF Canada AGM and resolution debate

The CHF BC and CHF Canada Member Forum on Monday gave members an update on all the highlights of our Semi-Annual General Meeting on May 4 and a preview of the changes to the Co-op Act that…

  13 May 2013   

Members open doors to candidates in final election weekend

In the final push of our election campaign, co-ops opened their doors to election candidates to make their voices heard.  H.W. Flesher played host to NDP representative Mable Elmore (standing in…

  10 May 2013   

More pictures from the SAGM!

We had a great semi-annual general meeting this year.Here are some more pictures from the event: 

  10 May 2013   

New co-op to be part of Land Trust housing development in Vancouver

A partnership of co-op and non-profit organizations led by CHF BC is bringing four sites owned by the City of Vancouver under one roof to build new affordable housing.

If approved by Vancouver City Council on May 15, the partnership’s proposal will create 355 affordable homes for families, seniors and people with a mental illness. The newly incorporated Fraserview Housing Co-operative will operate 161 homes as part of the development.

  6 May 2013   

Delegates take part in lively Semi-Annual General Meeting

Our Semi-Annual General Meeting on Saturday, May 4 was packed with highlights including:

  25 April 2013   


We’re in the middle of our provincial election campaign and there’s a lot happening.  Our election campaign kicked off with a story covered in the Vancouver Sun on April 16.Don’t…

  18 April 2013   

Member Forum – part two of CHF BC’s provincial election campaign launch

Following the launch of CHF BC’s provincial election campaign the morning of April 15 at Lakewood Terrace Housing Co-op in East Vancouver, the monthly Member Forum that evening saw a second…

  17 April 2013   

Spring Education Conference – education in action

Members were enthusiastic about another great day of learning at CHF BC’s Spring Education Conference in Burnaby on April 6. Over 160 members from 66 housing co-ops took part in ten different…