A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  26 February 2013   

Co-op Day in Victoria a big success

CHF BC members came from the Island and Mainland to attend the first Co-op Day in Victoria on Saturday, February 23. The event was organized by the Victoria Community Health Co-operative and…

  21 February 2013   

Members catch up at first Member Forum in new offices

CHF BC and CHF Canada members came together on Monday, February 18, for a speed networking session at the first Member Forum of the year, and the first to be held in CHF BC’s new…

  29 January 2013   

Co-op refinancing made easier!

CHF BC and Social Purpose Development Partners ready to help

  14 December 2012   

2013 CHF BC Scholarship Fund application online now!

CHF BC is now accepting applications for the second year of it’s successful scholarship program. The 

  12 December 2012   

We’ve moved!

For the past twelve years CHF BC and its related companies made their home at 5550 Fraser Street in Vancouver. We have enjoyed great success over the years, due in no small part to our members’…

  6 December 2012   

More updates from AGM

If you missed CHF BC’s AGM on December 1, or just want a quick refresher, here’s a look at some of the exciting updates from the meeting:

  6 December 2012   

Saying farewell to retiring directors

CHF BC members said farewell to three board members at the 2012 AGM on December 1. Marty Norgren completed a two-year term and Larry LeSage completed a one-year term. Both served on the board…

  4 December 2012   

New waste and recycling partner for Vancouver Island

Beginning December 1, 2012, Alpine Disposal and Recycling is CHF BC’s newest group buying partner, providing waste and recycling services for member co-ops on Vancouver Island at member…

  4 December 2012   

AGM an exciting mix of news and celebration, elections and debate

CHF BC’s 30th AGM on Saturday, December 1 saw a full house of delegates and observers to celebrate its 30th anniversary with cake and balloons. The meeting also featured a hotly contested…

  20 November 2012   

November 26 By-election in Victoria

As you know, the Prime Minister has called a by-election in the federal riding of Victoria to replace retiring MP Denise Savoie (NDP).  The by-election will be held on Monday, November 26.We…

  20 November 2012   

November Member Forum tackles social media for housing co-ops

A packed room of CHF BC and CHF Canada members caught up on all the latest news, heard a brief presentation on social media including a view of the Social Media Revolution 2012 youtube video, and…

  19 November 2012   

Thinking of running for the CHF BC board? Nomination deadline November 28

Delegates at CHF BC’s December 1 annual general meeting will be electing five new directors to serve on the CHF BC board and one finance committee member.