A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox subscribe to our newsletters.

  3 June 2010   

Listening in Burnaby

One of the pleasures – one of the many pleasures, I should hasten to add – of being your campaign correspondent is that I frequently get to meet candidates who are not only friendly (they are all…

  3 June 2010   

Federal election blog goes live

As CHF BC’s intrepid campaign co-ordinator, I, Darren Kitchen, will be reporting from the back rooms, trenches and meet and greets of our campaign.
Get the inside track on this election blog as I…

  3 June 2010   

Council meeting fun and informative – Island participation on the rise

17 of 33 CHF BC member co-ops sent delegates to the Vancouver Island Council meeting on October 13, 2005.

  3 June 2010   

Excellent turnout and feedback at Island section 95 meeting

There was standing room only at the Section 95 Subsidy crisis meeting held in Victoria on September 27.

  3 June 2010   

City of Vancouver unveils three Woodward’s proposals

The City of Vancouver has unveiled three design submissions for the future of the landmark Woodward’s building. The City will host several open houses in July to share information and gather feedback…

  3 June 2010   

Fire at Harris Road

A mother and her 15 year old son at Harris Road Housing Co-op in Pitt Meadows awoke early Friday morning to find their unit on fire.

  3 June 2010   

Winter SCOOP mailed on December 17

The winter issue of SCOOP was mailed to co-ops on Friday. Watch for your copy to arrive soon.

  3 June 2010   

South African delegation arrives in Vancouver

Social housing representatives from South Africa arrived in Vancouver this week as part of a Rooftops Canada sponsored trip to share information and experiences with housing co-ops.

  3 June 2010   

Fighting for housing co-ops in the federal election

CHF BC and CHF Canada will be fighting, during this federal election, for more co-ops and other forms of affordable housing.

  3 June 2010   


CHF BC’s annual general meeting takes place November 29. We’re still looking for election candidates with six board positions and a seat on the Finance Committee up for grabs.

  3 June 2010   

Leaky co-op campaign targets key MPs

The campaign to solve the leaky co-op crisis entered a new phase in April, targeting six BC MPs with a phone blitz geared to getting them to agree to meetings. Check out more info at

  5 December 2009   


Time flys on the campaign trail and the big day is here already. I hope you are all too busy voting to read this.
I plan to spend the evening in front of the TV watching the results come in and will…