CHF BC respects people’s privacy. Here is a summary of our privacy practices and why we collect personal information.
CHF BC collects and keeps basic information about our members so that we can manage, develop and strengthen our operations, including member services. As we learn about members’ needs and preferences, we can develop better ways to serve them. In carrying out our member-directed purposes, CHF BC undertakes:
We would appreciate your consent to continue to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes identified above. But it is your choice. It is your information. You can refuse or withdraw your consent as follows:
You can be removed from our telephone, mail or e-mail lists. We use these lists to inform you of relevant products, services and special offers that may be of benefit to you.
You may decline to provide personal information to us. You may also withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice.
In either case, this may limit our ability to serve you.
CHF BC will continue to monitor the use of the information you provide, and your privacy.
CHF BC, January 2003
With acknowledgments to CHF Canada.
CHF BC Personal Information Protection Policy